
Stefan Hell
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Andreas Dippon, Yuta Itoh
Submission Date:15.02.2015


Virtual reality head-mounted displays have seen a rapid development progress, offering unprecedented possibilities in this field. At the same time virtual reality poses new challenges and requirements to applications, especially in terms of interaction and user interfaces. The key task of this thesis is to investigate different approaches for a functional interface enabling users to obtain object related information. As a use case the Virtual Reality Card Game is presented. The idea of this prototype is to recreate the experience of playing a card game in the virtual world. To achieve a high factor of credibility and provide a natural form of interaction, we use a multidevice environment consisting of a head-mounted display to show the virtual world, an infrared sensor to track the hand positions, and a tablet to give haptic feedback and detect finger gestures. My focus is the visualization part of the project. Due to the limitations of current hardware, the content of cards played out cannot be read. Thus, an interface optimized for virtual reality is developed that enables the user to obtain additional information on objects, either by providing text or showing an enlarged version of the object. Several button and display types are presented and evaluated on speed, accuracy and user acceptance. The results show that there is not a single best button type but different types need to be used depending on the application area. Additionally, strengths and weaknesses of the hardware are exposed, and requirements to the environment in virtual reality as well as advantages and disadvantages of showing an avatar are explored.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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