Application for an exchange semester

The prerequisite is that your home university has an exchange agreement with the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Information on partner universities for Aerospace & Geodesy and of TUM respectively can be found here:

Partner universities for Aerospace & Geodesy

Partner universities TUM

Before you can apply at TUM, your home university must select you and notify you via nomination.

After that, please refer to the following pages of the TUM Global & Alumni Office (TUM G&A) for information on the application process and the organization of the respective type of your stay.

Application period

  • Winter semester: 15 March - 15 May
  • Summer semester: 15 September - 31 October

Module selection for the learning agreement

Learning agreement

For one or two exchange semesters at TUM you have to prepare a learning agreement or a study plan. Approx. 50 percent of the modules should be from those offered by the department of Aerospace & Geodesy. The other 50 percent of the modules can be chosen from other departments. Please note that language courses do not count towards this.

Module selection

Basically, all modules offered at TUM are registered in the campus management system TUMonline. In TUMonline you can either search for modules or courses. If applicable, a module consists of several courses. For detailed information on implementation, content, ECTS, recommended prior knowledge, language and rotation (winter semester or summer semester), please refer to the module catalog and the course details.

In principle, all modules from the previous semesters are also offered in the current semester. When choosing your modules, you can therefore orientate yourself on the respective previous semester. Please note: Modules from the previous winter semester are offered in the current winter semester; modules from the previous summer semester are offered in the current summer semester.

When choosing your modules, please make sure that you have the necessary professional prerequisites. The modules that will actually take place in the exchange semester are not known until 4 to 6 weeks before the semester begins. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate your learning agreement / study plan with the modules offered at the start of the lecture period. If it is necessary, you can change your module choice after consulting your home university.

Please enter only modules and no courses in your learning agreement.
For your understanding: A module consists of at least one course (e.g. lecture, exercise, etc.) and exactly one exam. The module is passed if the corresponding exam is passed. Please always indicate the module number; this consists of a series of letters followed by a combination of numbers (e.g. LRG6300).

If you have any questions regarding the content of modules, please contact the module supervisor (= lecturer responsible for the module) directly.

Please enter the international affairs delegate for Aerospace & Geodesy, Mr. Daniel Hartenstein, as the responsible person in the learning agreement. The international affairs delegate will also sign your learning agreement.

Semester dates

Since the German semester dates differ markedly in the international comparison, an early, exact planning of the stay abroad is very important:

Winter semester: 01 October to 31 March

Summer semester: 01 April to 30 September

The semester is divided into a lecture period and a lecture-free period:

Lecture period winter semester: mid-October to mid-February

Lecture period summer semester: mid-April to end of July

Examinations usually take place in the lecture-free period, more or less directly after the lecture period.

Registration for courses and examinations, transcript of records (ToR)


You should register for courses in good time, as this will give you access to online course materials. Registration is possible at the beginning of the semester and is done via TUMonline. You can find instructions on how to do this in the Examination Affairs wiki (see also below on examinations).


Examinations generally take place in the following periods:

Winter semester: mid-February to early April

Summer semester: mid/end of July to mid/end of September

You must register for exams in good time via TUMonline. Instructions on how to do this as well as information on registration times can be found in the Examination Affairs wiki.

Important: Please note that you will not be able to take an exam without prior timely registration.

You can download and print a Transcript of Records (ToR) for your home university about successfully passed exams yourself in TUMonline after your stay. The ToR is valid without a signature.

If you have any questions regarding the ToR, please contact:

  • Keine Stichwörter