On the DCD 2023 we wanted to give you the opportunity to present your doctoral project either with a poster or a short presentation!

Here you can download the program:


Thank you all for your participation and the interesting afternoon. 

Retrospective 2022: DCD on July 14, 2022 "How will we live together?"

What do we mean by this motto and why is it so important for our new TUM School of Engineering and Design?

In principle, the motto includes all your research projects that shape our living space: be it research on infrastructure construction measures or urban planning, be it research on mobility or measuring the earth, be it research on modeling complex topics or on machines, that make our lives easier.

You can find our program here:

You can find the slides of the short lectures here:

Here you can find the possible templates for your poster. Please make sure that it is printed in A1. Thank you!

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