
One-year study visit at one of the leading technical universities in Europe

The DTU-TUM 1:1 Program in Space and Geodesy is a two-year (four semesters) intensive exchange Master's program. Students spend their first year at their home university and continue their studies at the host university. TUM students enrolled either in the Master's Program Geodesy and Geoinformation or in the Master's Program Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology (ESPACE) are eligible for the DTU-TUM 1:1 Program in Space and Geodesy. After successful completion of the program, you will be awarded either a Master of Science and Engineering (Earth and Space Physics and Engineering - ESPE) at DTU or a Master of Science at TUM in Geodesy and Geoinformation or ESPACE, depending on your initial Master's program at TUM. The 1:1 program offers TUM students the possibility to earn state-of-the-art competencies in Physical and Satellite Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, or Space Science and Technology.
It is possible to get funding via Erasmus + for the one-year stay at DTU.

Program Content

Based on the complex dynamic system of Earth and the resulting coupled processes, various applications in Earth observation are analyzed using different methods.

Track for TUM ESPACE students: Space Science and Technology

This track covers parts from Physical and Satellite Geodesy as well as from Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Besides, the focus is on the basic understanding of the satellite's working principle and on the development of space-based technologies.


The 1:1 program in Space and Geodesy offers the unique possibility to study one year abroad and to get to know another top research university, all together in a regular Master's program period of two years. The earned intercultural experiences and competencies besides the acquired technical expertise from a different teaching style can be highly beneficial for your future career either in the space industry or leading research institutes.

Admission and Deadlines

For students with home university TUM, the program targets students:

  • who are enrolled in the Geodesy and Geoinformation Master's program or the ESPACE Master's program at TUM
  • who are open-minded and motivated to study abroad
  • who are well-versed in the English language

TUM students of the Master's Programs Geodesy and Geoinformation or Earth-Oriented Space Science and Technology (ESPACE) are eligible for DTU-TUM 1:1 Master's program in Space and Geodesy.

Application and Application Documents for the 1:1 Program

Application Period: Please get in contact with the degree program coordinator of the ESPACE Master's program.

How to apply for the 1:1 Program

  1. Fill in the application form which will be provided by the ESPACE program coordinator
  2. Hand in the application form and supporting documents to the ESPACE program coordinator
  3. The ESPACE program coordinator will consult their counterparts and select the most eligible students 

Application and Application Documents for Erasmus +

Application Period: Generally beginning in December until mid-January, valid are the exact dates for the application period at the TUM Global & Alumni office.

How to apply for Erasmus +:

Choose the template Application for Erasmus+ SMS, Switzerland, Double Degree, and Departmental Program from the Erasmus online application portal provided on the website of TUM Global Office.

The following documents must be uploaded for the online application (max. 10 MB):

  • Curriculum vitae with photo (in English)
  • Letter of motivation (max. 2 pages; in English)
  • study plan in consultation with the ESPACE program coordinator

Submission of the signed printout of the online application form:

Study Program

The standard period of study is four semesters corresponding to 120 ECTS credits, consisting of three semesters of coursework, and a Master's Thesis that is usually written during the fourth semester.

Study Plan

Depending on their choice of specialization at TUM, ESPACE students can focus on courses related to Space Science and Technology (Track 6).

As part of their application for the 1:1 Master's program, students are asked to prepare a study plan which must be approved by both program coordinators. The program coordinators from each institution must approve the study plan for each student involved in the program. The study plan will comprise at least 60 ECTS from TUM and at least 60 ECTS from DTU.

The students will study the first and second semester at TUM. TUM students must pass the compulsory courses of the respective Master's program in the first year at TUM. The students will study the third and fourth semesters at DTU. It is required that the selected courses are at master level. The Master's Thesis (30 ECTS) will be undertaken at DTU and co-supervised by a professor from TUM in the fourth semester.

The study plan follows the guidelines in each of the 6 tracks shown below:

Track 1: Satellite Geodesy - Gravimetry

1st Semester (DTU- ESPE):

2nd Semester (DTU- ESPE):

One of the following courses:

And one of the following courses:

3rd Semester (TUM - Geodesy and Geoinformation):

Electives (at least 15 ECTS), for example out of the following courses:

4th semester (TUM - Geodesy and Geoinformation):

  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Track 2: Satellite Geodesy - Navigation

1st Semester (DTU- ESPE):

2nd Semester (DTU- ESPE):

One of the following courses:

And one of the following courses:

3rd Semester (TUM - ESPACE):

Electives (at least 15 ECTS), for example out of the following courses:

4th semester (TUM - ESPACE):

  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Track 3: Rocketry and Aerospace

1st Semester (DTU- ESPE):

2nd Semester (DTU- ESPE):

One of the following courses:

And one of the following courses:

3rd Semester (TUM - ESPACE):

Electives (at least 12 ECTS), for example out of the following courses:

4th semester (TUM - ESPACE):

  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Track 4: Physical and Satellite Geodesy

1st Semester (TUM - Geodesy and Geoinformation):

regular study program in Geodesy and Geoinformation (30 ECTS)

2nd Semester (TUM - Geodesy and Geoinformation):

regular study program in Geodesy and Geoinformation (30 ECTS)

3rd Semester (DTU - ESPE):


Required electives:
At least 15 ECTS from this list of electives:

Up to 5 ECTS from the modules generally offered by DTU.

4th semester (DTU - ESPE):

  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Electives (can be taken in parallel to the Master's Thesis):

Track 5: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

1st Semester (TUM - Geodesy and Geoinformation):

regular study program in Geodesy and Geoinformation (30 ECTS)

2nd Semester (TUM - Geodesy and Geoinformation):

regular study program in Geodesy and Geoinformation (30 ECTS)

3rd Semester (DTU - ESPE):


Required electives:
At least 15 ECTS from this list of electives:

Up to 5 ECTS from the modules generally offered by DTU, e.g.

4th semester (DTU - ESPE):

  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Electives (can be taken in parallel to the Master's Thesis):

  • tbd

Track 6: Space Science and Technology

1st Semester (TUM - ESPACE):

regular study program in Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology (30 ECTS)

2nd Semester (TUM - ESPACE):

regular study program in Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology (30 ECTS)

3rd Semester (DTU - ESPE):


Required electives:
At least 10 ECTS from this list of electives:

4th semester (DTU - ESPE):

  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Electives (can be taken in parallel to the Master's Thesis):

Master's Thesis

The Master's Thesis is usually written during the fourth semester of the program. The thesis will be conducted with co-supervision from both institutions. The thesis supervisor at the institution where the Master's Thesis work is conducted will act as the main supervisor and thus be primarily responsible for the student. Local thesis rules will apply.

The Master's Thesis must be presented at an oral defense according to the rules and regulations of both universities.
For TUM students, the grade will be determined by the TUM thesis supervisor after consultation with the DTU supervisor. The Master's Thesis must be written in English and handed-in accordance with the rules of the respective home university.

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) is located north of Denmarks Captial City Copenhagen. DTU is an elite technical university, recognized for its high level of international research and its sought-after graduates. The research focus areas include several societally relevant engineering disciplines, including digitalization, sustainable energy technologies, and life science.

Visit DTU website

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