In this manual we show you how to view your achievements and print exam certificates.

1. Log in to TUMonline

Please log in to TUMonline.

Click on the application “My Achievements”:

Screenshot: Application “My Achievements”

2. View achievements

In the application “My Achievements” you can view exams, recognitions, theses and degrees.

By default, the achievements are sorted descending by date and - in the case of several degree programs - not sorted by the degree program they were obtained in.

By clicking on the filter button or using the filter entry field, the list can be filtered. By clicking on the sorting button, you can sort the list in ascending or descending order by several criteria.

Screenshot: View achievements

Status of exams: description
StatusInformation on gradeCertificate can be printed
Valid Achievement

The grade is final.

In Progress

The grade has been entered, but is not yet final.

It can only be viewed if it has already been published.


3. Print exam certificates

There are two options:

Click on the print icon of a valid achievement in the application “My Achievements”.

Screenshot: Print exam certificate

Alternatively, click on the arrow next to a valid exam on the right in order to open the detail view. Then click on the “print” button.

Screenhot: Print exam certificate from detail view

4. View details of achievements

In the application “My Achievements”, click on the arrow next to a valid achievement on the right in order to open the detail view.

Screenshot: View details of achievements

Here you can see the persons involved, the number of ECTS credits obtained for the achievement as well as information on the degree program.

5. View exam statistics for module exams

In the detail view (see section 4) of module exams you can view a diagram (with key) for the exam.

Click on the “Exam Statistics” button:

Screenshot: View exam statistics

The exam statistics contain, among other details, the following information: the number of registered candidates, the number of candidates who took the exam, the grade distribution, the average grade of all assessed candidates and of all candidates with a positive assessment.