As an academic energy cooperative, special emphasis is placed on combining the conceptual and economic activities of the cooperative in a synergistic manner with practice-oriented teaching. For this purpose, cooperations with chairs of the TUM and other academic institutions are established.




propENS: Projektpraktikum Erneuerbare und Nachhaltige Energiesysteme

Project #1: Creating NEBourhood Together (Munich - Neuperlach)

Energy cooperatives have proven successful throughout Germany and other countries. These initiatives, driven by citizen engagement, significantly promote the local transition to sustainable renewable energy. At TUM, we have a unique framework to use the possibilities of an academic energy cooperative. Students, researchers, staff, and professors can contribute their different fields of expertise and apply it in practical ways. As a vibrant community, we can bring together the right people to extend the concept of energy cooperatives beyond rapid transformation towards a sustainable energy system - and connect it to teaching, research, and entrepreneurship by providing a space for practical application and proof-of-concept studies.

You will be part of the EU-funded NEIbourhood project, which works on developing neighborhood concepts for better and sustainable coexistence. This project lab will focus on the aspect of decentralized local energy production and supply based on photovoltaics. Two roof areas are already available for this purpose.

Topics to be worked on are:

  • Site analysis with regard to the power generation potential via PV
  • Analysis of the structural and building law requirements for the installation of the PV systems
  • Technical design of PV systems, incl. comparative analysis of available solar panels in technological, ecological, and economic terms

In addition, you will get in contact with the overall activities within the founding process of the Academic Energy Cooperative @ TUM, training also relevant interdisciplinary skills.

Project #2: Real Lab Agri-PV Weihenstephan

TUM Project Week

Pupil internships


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