Fiduswriter is about collaborative writing and thus goes hand in hand with a reference manager that lets you share a library between collaborators. In Zotero it is possible to share a reference library with a so-called "Group library". All your group library contributors must also have a Zotero account. All invited co-workers can co-use and contribute towards the group library. A Zotero tutorial video about group libraries is at and the following screenshots show you how to create a group on the web at by clicking the "create new group" link:
Once you click the red "Create Group" button, the following page comes up where you can review the default options for your new group library:
Once you click the red "Save Settings" button, your new group library shows up in the main Zotero page. In the following example the new group library is called "cytochrome" but any other name is possible:
Next, we will be inviting somebody into our new group library. You need to click on the 3-lines button in the top right-hand-side corner of the main Zotero page:
and then choose the "Groups" option. Alternatively, if you have zoomed out sufficiently in your browser, you can see these options along the top of the web page and do not need to press the 3-lines button. Once the new "Zotero Groups" page appears, click on the blue "Manage Members" link:
The group member settings page now opens and you can add new collaborators into your new group library by selecting the "send more invitations" link as seen in the following screenshot:
The collaborator who received the above invitation must also have a Zotero account - should the invited collaborator not have an account yet, (s)he needs to set one up. Once the account is set up the new, invited collaborator then has an invitation field int the "Groups" tab as shown in the following screenshot:
The invited collaborator needs to click the red "Join" button in her/his Zotero account. Note that the name of the new group library appears above the "Join" button in blue colour. Once the invited collaborator has joined the new group library, the "Group Invitations" field on the right hand side in the above screenshot becomes blanked out.
The newly invited collaborator opens his web library page, it now should contain a new item with the name of the new group library, in our case the name of the new group library is "cytochrome" as shown in the following screenshot:
The new collaborator is now able to use the group library just as a local library.