Fiduswriter is an online collaborative editor for academics who need to use citations and formulas. It is easy-to-use and allows a group of users simultaneous editing of documents in the browser. The software is open source at and TUM have installed their own instance on a LRZ server at The Fiduswriter editor focuses on content rather than the layout and does not require coding or typesetting. In contrast to your familiar Microsoft Word editor, Fiduswriter is a semantic editor and does not accommodate substantial formating. So you cannot change font size or text justification or typesetting in general. Should you want to change the layout in Fiduswriter, it is possible to change the style - this can be done with style sheets and more advanced users can produce their own style with the style editor. The learning curve for Fiduswriter is shallow but a number of video tutorials about Fiduswriter and the Zotero reference manager are listed below to get new users going even quicker:

How to start a Fiduswriter document and invite a collaborator into it

How to insert a figure

You almost certainly will have figures in your document and this video shows you how to insert a figure in *.png or *.jpg format and cross-reference the Figure to the main text.

How to insert a reference from Zotero into Fiduswriter

Zotero is the recommended reference manager for Fiduswriter and in this video you learn how to drag and drop a reference from the Zotero desktop application into the Fiduswriter document.

Zotero: How to create a so-called group library that you can share with others

If you research a topic in a group, then you need to create a group library that you can share with your collaborators. This video shows you how to create such a group library.

Zotero: How to import a *.bib file into the Zotero desktop application

Bibliographic databases are frequently stored in *.bib files (e.g. from LaTeX environments) and it may be useful to bring such a *.bib library over into Zotero. The following video shows you how to do that:

Inviting several students into a shared document

A tutorial video that demonstrates how a supervisor is creating a new document and then invites four students into this document.

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