erstellt von Elisabeth Zellmer

Open4Research (Funding Search Portal)

To provide you with comprehensive information on specific funding opportunities, TUM has acquired a university-wide license for Open4Research, which allows you to set-up personalized e-mail notifications on funding opportunities fitting your individual research interests.

Follow the link above for further information. We would be glad to receive your suggestions and feedback via


ELFI (Electronic Research Funding Information System) is a database of funding opportunities (e.g. grants, scholarships and awards) for students, scientists, and administrators.                        


  1. Log in via TUM Library eAccess with your TUM password
  2. Go to (or search for "ELFI" in the Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS)
  3. If not done already, register an account

English Version

If your browser's preferred language is set to "en" or "en-us", any ELFI-application will work in English.

Detailed instructions on how to use the database

Video Tutorials (German only):

DAAD Scholoarship Database 
The scholarship database by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) contains a wide range of funding programmes for international students, PhD students and researchers. Find out about your funding opportunities.
DAAD Projektförderung
Aktuell ausgeschriebene DAAD-Programme und bereits laufende DAAD-Programme der Projektförderung.
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