erstellt von Elisabeth Zellmer
Open4Research (Funding Search Portal) | |||||||||||
To provide you with comprehensive information on specific funding opportunities, TUM has acquired a university-wide license for Open4Research, which allows you to set-up personalized e-mail notifications on funding opportunities fitting your individual research interests. Follow the link above for further information. We would be glad to receive your suggestions and feedback via | |||||||||||
ELFI | |||||||||||
ELFI (Electronic Research Funding Information System) is a database of funding opportunities (e.g. grants, scholarships and awards) for students, scientists, and administrators. Access
English Version If your browser's preferred language is set to "en" or "en-us", any ELFI-application will work in English. Detailed instructions on how to use the database Video Tutorials (German only): | |||||||||||
DAAD Scholoarship Database | |||||||||||
The scholarship database by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) contains a wide range of funding programmes for international students, PhD students and researchers. Find out about your funding opportunities. | |||||||||||
DAAD Projektförderung | |||||||||||
Aktuell ausgeschriebene DAAD-Programme und bereits laufende DAAD-Programme der Projektförderung. |