
Levente Balázs Csik
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Linda Rudolph (@ge29tuw)
Submission Date:[created]


In my guided research, I was focusing on how well we can modularize Augmented Reality applications. I created two types of modularizations, one of them was cross framework modularization, meaning that how could we create a project that can run multiple Augmented Reality frameworks, what are the similarities and characteristics that we could use to introduce low coupling and high cohesion in the project. It would be simple to create another application for each framework, but it would make the changes in the system much more time-consuming tasks. During my guided research I was focusing on AR Foundation (which includes ARKit and ARCore respectively) and Vuforia, one of the oldest frameworks for Augmented Reality. The project I was working on included Remote Collaboration as well, which is a technique to help the cooperation between people remotely via a video stream. In this project, the worker can scan the machine with the application, creating a video stream and the expert, after watching the stream can help the worker what might be the solution for the problem they are facing. During my research, I did not have to change the logic of the Remote Collaboration, because the server was down during the time of my research that handles the video streaming.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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