
Weber, Marina
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Dyrda, Daniel (@ga67gub)
Submission Date:[created]


In this presentation, I am going to present my results of my bachelor’s thesis. The thesis introduces the concept of gamespaces, how to spatially partition a 3D game world based on gamespaces, and how to structure them in a hierarchical manner. In the context of computer games, the functional gamespace defines the game world, its places, and how these places relate to each other in the context of gameplay. Gamespaces within a game are typically interconnected and nested. As gamespaces are essentially structures, it is possible to analyze them mathematically. This thesis proposes ways of organizing gamespaces in a 3-dimensional game world. It outlines methods to generate a spatial layout based on the gamespace structure. This spatial layout partitions the game's 3-dimensional space. Then, it investigates ways to organize these gamespaces in a hierarchical structure depending on the spatial layout. Lastly, the thesis demonstrates an implementation of said methods suited to use as a tool in the game engine Unity. Moreover, it suggests possibilities to improve the implementation further.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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