Here we have collected answers to frequent questions concerning exam registration, achievements and grades in TUMonline.

I can't register for exams what can I do?

The most common reasons why the exam registration is not possible are as follow:

  • Exam details are incorrect (number, title, date).
  • The exam has not yet been created or online registration for it has not yet been enabled.
  • The deadline for exam registration has passed. In this case, the exam no longer appears in the system or the registration button is hidden.
  • There is no date for the exam yet and therefore it does not appear in the system.
  • The exam has already been completed successfully (passed) and can thus not be repeated.
  • Final failure of a degree program (ENB) has been determined.

Solution: Please contact the student office of your department and describe the problem.

I would like to register for several exams but they are not available what can I do?

The most common reasons why exams are not available are as follows:

  • Exam details are incorrect (number, title, date).
  • The exam has not yet been created or online registration for it has not yet been enabled.
  • The deadline for exam registration has passed. In this case, the exam no longer appears in the system or the registration button is hidden.
  • The exam does not yet have a date and therefore does not appear in the system.

Solution: Please contact the student office of your department and describe the problem.

I can't find any dates for my exam a nd therefore can't register what can I do?

This problem frequently occurs with Language Center courses, which is why the following examples are based on these cases.
Generally, however, all cases are concerned where students attempt to register for an exam using the course number or the “Courses” application.
Please note: C ourse numbers are not the same as exam numbers!

Register via “Exams”

Please log in to TUMonline and c lick on the application “Exams”:

Screenshot: Application “Exams”

Search for the exam and click on the “Go to exam registration” button:

Screenshot: Exam registration via “Exams”

When registering for exams (within the registration period), “No examination dates entered” appears for all courses.

This problem frequently occurs with Language Center courses, which is why the following examples are based on these cases.
Generally, however, all cases are concerned where students attempt to register for an exam using the course number or the “Courses” application.
Please note: Do not confuse course numbers with exam numbers!

Please also see the sectionI can't find dates for my examination/course and therefore cannot register - what can I do?

Why do I get an error message when registering for an exam?

One of the following error messages is displayed:

  • “Registration for the above exam date was NOT successful: The results calculation is not activated for this curriculum.”
  • “Registration for the above exam date was NOT successful: The exam registration is not possible if you have a negative completed degree in your degree program.”
  • “Registration for the above exam date was NOT successful: You are already registered at org. TUXXX, date: …”
  • "For the semester in which this exam takes place,  you are not enrolled or do not have a valid student status in a degree program. Therefore, you cannot register for this exam."

Reasons for the error:

  • In the first case, the registration process checks whether the rules/requirements of your curriculum are met. If the "results calculation" is not activated, this cannot be done.
  • In the second case, the results of the exams described above do not allow exam registration.
  • In the third case, it is likely that the exam for which you have already registered has not yet been recorded in TUMonline. Attempting to register for a resit therefore results in an error message.
  • In the fourth case, the exam was likely created for a semester in which the student is not yet enrolled or does not have a valid student status. For example, the exam is created for the winter semester 2021, but the student will not be enrolled until the summer semester 2022.

These types of problems can only be addressed by the student office. Thus please contact the student office of your department.

Why are certain subjects inactive in my curriculum or why can I only select exams as an optional subject?

These types of problems can only be addressed by the student office. Thus please contact the student office of your department.

How do I carry out a late registration for an exam?

You would like to register for an exam after the registration period has ended because:

  • you cannot find your exam under “exams registered for”, or
  • you were unable to register for the exam within the specified registration period.

In these cases, please contact the student office of your department.

How can I change my area of specialization or elective subject?

Please contact the student office of your department to make changes of this kind.

How do I get a printout of my achievements?

Please log in to TUMonline and click on the application “Transcripts”.

Screenshot: Application “Transcripts”

Here you can download and print out a transcript or grade report showing all your grades.

If you encounter problems or have further questions, please contact the IT support (

I don't see my grades or transcripts in TUMonline what can I do?

  • The exam has not yet been set to “valid” or the results have not yet been “published”.
  • The grading process requires the examiner to enter the grades and the academic department to set the exam to “valid”. Only then the grades are visible on the transcripts and in the application “My Achievements”. Before that, the grades have the status “preliminary”.
  • However, it is possible to “publish” grades; then they will also be visible in the application “My Achievements”, still in the “preliminary” status.

Please contact the student office of your department and describe the problem.

My grades are incorrect in TUMonline what can I do?

Please contact the student office of your department.