Team Members
- Andrea Solanas de Vicente
- Ankur Deria
- Michael Dey
- Bendegúz Timár
Final game version
Design voting (over)
If you can help us decide the designs for the different items in the game we would really appreciate it. We created a form that takes 1 or 2 mins. Thank you!
Full documentation
Milestone 1: Game Idea Pitch (08.05)
Milestone 2: Interim Demo (28.05)
7 Kommentare
Matija Jajčinović sagt:
10. Mai 2023b) E.g. Smash Bros use quite complicated attack combos => difficult to master and
competitive value. Does it get boring with only one binary punch/pressure?
c) Is there a punch direction? only right left punch in a crazy vertical environment seems a bit restrictive
Andrea Solanas de Vincente sagt:
10. Mai 2023Erick Lorenzen Meneses sagt:
10. Mai 2023Andrea Solanas de Vincente sagt:
10. Mai 2023Another idea is that each dead player (automatically or by button press) speeds up the roller coaster. This way it stays a challenge, after defeating the enemy team.
Lorenzo Russo da Costa Auer sagt:
10. Mai 2023Andrea Solanas de Vincente sagt:
10. Mai 2023Anıl Çelik Maral sagt:
11. Mai 2023