General Information
If you want to get access to the ZEITlab cleanroom laboratories, you have to fill out this form (to do so, please log in with your TUM-ID).
Since the relocation to, all people (requesting users and supervisors) need to be logged in at least once to get recognized by the wiki.
Check: If the name or TUM-ID is not listed in the drop-down window, the person is not yet recognized.
Your supervisor needs to confirm your data via email to after your request is sent.
Please keep in mind that all instructions take their time to execute and as well to prepare.
If you just want to visit the cleanroom or have a look, please be a guest and contact
Please tell us your situation and maybe your contact person. Hopefully, we will be able to clarify any questions you may have before entering.
(This Access request is not for ExpAPs and Student rooms, where other Professors are responsible.)
Typical Process for Access
- Fill in request form
- Choose the desired instructions (multi-option possible)
- Don't be shy in letting us know what you want to do and fill in the comment section
- If you need a consultation (because you do not know if certain processes are available) please mark the check box we will contact you
- Finish the Moodle course
- Wait for an appointment for your on-site safety instruction
- Get access to the laboratory
- Get to know the laboratory, your processes, and the machines you will need, and follow your supervisor and/or colleagues for best instructions
- Be part of the cleanroom users and join the weekly meeting