
Maximilian Wandinger
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Andreas Dippon, Yuta Itoh
Submission Date:15.02.2015


Within the last few years video games have become increasingly more involved in our everyday life. With the goal in mind to create even more immersive virtual realities, new hardware has become available in order to achieve higher levels of quality in the field of computer graphics and visualization, as well as in the field of user interaction and input devices. Head-mounted displays like the Oculus Rift have become available that allow its users to experience a higher level of immersion by offering a much greater field of view and lens distortion. Additionally depth sensoring and body tracking have led to a completely new interaction experience in video games that feels more natural. This thesis shows the implementation of a card game as an example of how this hardware can be used for natural interaction in an augmented virtual space using Oculus Rift, Leap Motion and a tablet PC. It describes how limitations of a single device can be overcome by their combination in a multi-device setup and how they interact with each other.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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