Author: | Daniel Dyrda, Jana Hoffard, Maximillian Hotter, Jakob Scharrer |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Georg Groh |
Type: | Masterpraktikum |
Semester: | WS 18/19 |
Sleepy Storm is a positioning based top-down arena fighter. You defeat bosses and boss waves in an arena-like environment, while trying not to be defeated yourself. To achieve the goal, you have access to a variety of offensive and defensive abilities. Furthermore, movement is an essential part of the gameplay. The experience gets especially exciting when you share your gameplay with others via Twitch streams. The game offers a social component that lets your viewers become part of the game. They can either take on the role of your drone to support you or play against you by fighting on the side of your opponents.
Social component
The game provides its own website on which the spectators themselves can interact with the game. On it they can use different skills. Some can be used individually by each spectator and others are influenced by all spectators together. There are two different fractions: The player and the opponents. Each spectator can choose which side he is going to support.
Besides, each spectator who is participating can decide on the wind strength (the average float value of all spectators between 0 and 1). The stronger the wind, the faster the turbines on the map rotate. If there is no wind, the turbines stand still. The player can use it to block the opponents off or the supporters of the opponents can use it to block ways the player could use.
Support the player
Spectators can choose to take on the role of your supporter drone. Even though you still have control over the positioning, one key feature of the game is that the skills of the drone can be used by spectators in your stream that decide to support you.
Each spectator has one small heal projectile that can be shot from the drone in the direction to the player. After each shot, there is a 20 seconds wait time until the spectator can use this ability again.
From time to time, there are polls which ask all supporters of the player to vote for the next special drone ability. They can either decide on a heal area around the drone that heals the player with a huge amount of health points, if the player stays in that area at the right moment, or a shield sphere around the drone that protects the player from damage for a few seconds. There is also another poll which asks all of the supporters to vote for the damage ability of the drone; a damage circle which destroys all small opponents in range of the drone.
Support the opponents
Your spectators can also choose to fight for the side of your opponents. Then they can influence the individual opponent waves and control the boss' abilities.
Each spectator has one small rocket projectile that can be shot downwards above the player. If the player does not move, the explosion of the rocket will make damage. After each shot, there is a 20 seconds wait time until the spectator can use this ability again.
From time to time, there are polls which ask all supporters of the opponents to vote for the next special boss or boss wave ability. They can either decide on a missile wave that punishes the player with removing a huge amount of health points, if the player stays in that area at the right moment, or a missile splash that hit three locations at the players location in a short amount of time. There is also another poll which asks all of the supporters to vote for the next boss wave; they can decide on the location where they should spawn.
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