This tutorial shows you how to connect Sourcetree and Gitlab

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Sourcetree, if you have not installed it yet go to Installing Sourcetree and finish that tutorial first
  2. That will open the following window:
  3. after this you should get a window that looks like this:
  4. You can save the keys anywhere on your hard drive, just make sure you remember where you put them.
  5. Then open a browser and go to and log in using your LRZ user name (aa11bbb)
  6. Now you can close the window in which you create the key and go to Tools/options in Sourcetree
  7. The Pageant client should be running now, if you do not see the symbol, extend the taskbar
  8. Now sourcetree can access gitlab but you do not have any projects in Sourcetree yet. In order to download or upload code you need to have a project.
  9. This tutorial will show you how to get the base V-HAB project into sourcetree, the steps to get any other project into sourcetree are basically the same.
  10. First go to the gitlab project you want to download, in this case STEPS-base, the website should look like this:
  11. After that just hit the clone button at the bottom of the window and you will receive the project. Now your Sourcetree should be connected to gitlab and you are able to download code from gitlab or upload code to gitlab

For instruction on how to use Sourcetree go to the next tutorial

2 Kommentare

  1. Alexander Schmid sagt:

    concerning 1.: Don't click on "Start SSH-Agent" but on "Import/Create SSH-Key"

    1. Unbekannter Benutzer (ga56haq) sagt:

      Thank you for the correction, just changed that section