This guide will show you how to correctly install Sourcetree

Step-by-step guide

  1. You can get a free copy of Sourcetree from

  2. If you have to create an account clicking on the Go to My Atlassian button will open a browser with the following window:
  3. You will receive a verification mail to the mail address that you provided, once you
    have verified your account you can close the browser and proceed in the Sourcetree
    installation window by pressing use an existing account (see Fig. 2.3-2). Doing so will
    open the following window:
  4. If you didnt make any mistakes you should see this window:
  5. The next window is a smaller popup that will open, asking you for an SSH Key, simply
    say no.
  6. After this Sourcetree will ask you how you want to install git and mercurial. If you are
    not familiar with these and do not use them for anything else simply download an
    embedded version.
  7. Then you will have to wait for the download to finish, after which a similar window will
    open asking you about Mercurial.
  8. After this you are finished with the Installation of Sourcetree an should see a window similar to this:

The next step is to connect Sourcetree with Gitlab. Go to Connecting Sourcetree and Gitlab to continue with that step!