


Preliminary Design and Implementation on a Web-Based Module Recommender System Application for Higher Education Institutions using Elementary Recommendation Techniques


Sommersemester 2012


Lucas Reeh

Attendance of modules


  • Percentage of active or former students, who completed the modules in a curriculum

  • Semester, in which the module was most frequently completed by active students

  • Filter options to hide/show modules attended rarely or in a specific semester

  • Potential add-ons

    • summarized distribution of attendance in course specializations or minor subjects
    • detail view of attendance distribution over semesters for a selected module
    • detail view of percentage by enrolement year
    • dropout rate for selected modules
    • attendance of the same module across different study programs


Students selection of electives


For students having completed at least one equal elective as other students, further electives are determined through collaborative filtering. Building upon preliminary work, conversational recommender techniques could improve >> students experience:

  • show the frequency of attendance only for similar students

  • detail view of sequence, in which similar students completed recommended modules

  • simulate altering recommendations, if a certain module would already have been completed

  • adjust the characteristics for calculating the students' similarity to other students


Lecturers recommendations

Lecturers can create recommendations for own modules defining other modules as prerequisites. Students fulfilling these are recommended those lecturers modules. Extending the previous approach, further recommendation options could enable >> lecturers finding eligable students as well as students finding adequate lecturers courses.

  • lecturers view other subjects students study, who attended their modules or who have chosen a particular specialization

  • students view other subjects lecturers offer, who recommend beneficial modules or modules fitting into their specialization

  • lecturers select prerequisite modules without limitation to a single curriculum in order to estimate, how many students from which curriculum could be interested in interdisciplinary course offers

  • students select prerequisite modules in order to simulate, how recommendations change, if they had those modules already completed.



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