Agile Software Development with Scrum

List of available topics for student presentations

Agile Methods (4 Students)

Scrum introduction -- Roland Prinz


eXtreme Programming (XP) -- Mete Özpınar


Feature Driven Development -- Francisco Javier Sánchez Carmona


Agile Manifesto -- Carlos García

The Waterfall "Accident"

Agile Planning and Effort Estimation (4 Students)
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 -- Renato Pinto López


Kanban -- Nerea Astiazarán


Planning poker -- Tiago Chedraoui Silva


Expert-based contra algorithmic estimation -- Marton Kamras

Continous Integration and Testing (4 Students)

Test-driven Development -- Rui Martins


Automated Testing -- Jeroen Claes




Unit Testing -- David Fu


Refactoring -- Tamas Agocs

Requirements and Time Constraints (3 Students)

Agile requirements -- Barbora Cervenkova


Time Boxing -- Eduardo Quiñones


Time tracking -- Ettore Trainiti

Against time thieves

Documentation, Review and Retrospective (4 Students)

Rules for documenting code -- Jan Rybak


Documentation beyond code -- Ali BERCHANE


Sprint Review -- Claire Van de Voorde


Retrospective Methods -- Meng-Chiao Tsai

Further material about Scrum


Preparation "Kanban-Style"
Choose a pinboard or poster and a couple of coloured Post-It Notes to plan slides. You can use the same technique for the general structuring a thesis as well as representing "backlog items" for the actual development part, that must be estimated, planned and implemented.

Details about crafting visuals

Most common powerpoint mistakes