Computer Games Laboratory 2018

We have the following three - as of now unnamed - teams this year:
1) Buschek, Filho, Leitner. 2) Bayer, Inshal, Kohl. 3) Draeger, Haertl, Tipecska. 4) Franz, Fulghum, Franz, Ngo, Probst, Wiedenmann.

CG webpage, schedule & materials:


Please create a page for your game project under the link below. Every class participant has read/write access to the entire game class web. 
However, please act responsibly! Don't modify other people's pages unless there is good reason to do so!

Group Pages of the  Computer Games Laboratory 2018

Use your group page to post your game proposals, status reports and demos, and other info.

  • Keine Stichwörter