Team 1: Andreas Leitner, Florian Buschek, Jean Paul Vieira Filho
Project Document - New Chapter: Game Prototype
Game Proposal
Game Prototype
Alpha Report
Repository (with build):
Team 1: Andreas Leitner, Florian Buschek, Jean Paul Vieira Filho
Repository (with build):
8 Kommentare
Georg Kohl sagt:
01. Mai 20181. What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
I really like the escort light orb to give the players an incentive to follow the main path without a hard restriction (like a narrower generated level) to do so. This gives the players a hint where to go, but lets them explore the map freely instead of forcing them in a certain direction. I also think that reworking the combat system with combos, the use of resources and a better enemy AI is a good improvement to the current state of the game, especially to prevent the use of button mashing.
2. What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
In my opinion, the top down camera that always keeps all four players in focus is a quite heavy limitation, as one player might want to go somewhere but can't because the others are not following him yet. There would be many ways to solve this, for example creating an own camera on a part of the screen for a player that is too far away or changing the game to a networked multiplayer where each player has his own first or third person view. The second option would also highlight the improved combat system and resolve the issue with a too crowded screen where too much is happening in the same time. Or a more simple option would be to put all the first/third person views on one screen as a splitscreen, but this requires a quite large screen to play.
3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
It would be cool if the bioms had a higher impact on the gameplay. For instance: having some effect in each biom (like slower movement in the swap or freezing damage if the players stay to long in a winter biom or heat damage for the desert biom) or only spawning certain types of enemies according to the environment or letting the biom directly influence the combat in some way. This would require a different strategy depending on the area the players are about to enter. Or alternatively let certain types of powerful weapons or power-ups only appear in rare bioms, so that the players can get exited once they find one of these bioms.
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga54zof) sagt:
01. Mai 2018What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
The most interesting aspect of your game was, in my opinion, your new combat system. Combining different weapons and elements leading to the creation of a new unique weapon with specific moves that ensure that the player is challenged by each of them and has the potential of trying new and exciting weapons, creates a new challenge in boss battles.
What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
The fact that you are only able to encounter stronger bosses in the arena and not in the environment, may make the game a bit too predictable. The player already knows that while running around in the overworld the encounter only weak enemies and need to collect loot.
Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
Making the game less predictable by mixing the "standard" enemies with a "surprise" enemy that has a special skill or is harder to kill, might increase the thrill of the game.
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga74bob) sagt:
02. Mai 2018What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
Woah, cool name bro!
I really like the replayability aspect of the game through procedural generation. As someone who didn't get to play the game (but watched others play) at the demo day last semester, I would really like to play the updated version with more enemies and (hopefully) better storyline. The game really needed that so I'm glad those are the focus this semester.
What is your least favourite aspect? Why?
It was mentioned in the presentation that weapons would no longer be "collectable" but rather you have to select from a loadout. To me, that just seems like wasted potential. The current game has the ability to allow players to dynamically change their combat style during the course of a game. Removing that and forcing players to stick with weapons they picked seems counterproductive. It seems to be more of a game balancing issue than a matter of not enough choice.
Few weapons, each with their specific pros and cons can make players keep changing weapons. Though you may need a bit more than ~9 weapons (since each player can carry two weapons at a time) to achieve the desired effect.
Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
I would like to see a day and night cycle and freedom of movement in the game, perhaps. The game was really dark and that partly counts for the visibility issue that was mentioned. A day and night cycle would fix that. By freedom of movement, I mean letting players slit up to some extent. It could be achieved by splitting the camera as shown in this video. It would make the game seem more "free". The enemies and game mechanics should, however, force them to stick together.
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga32ris) sagt:
02. Mai 2018What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
I like the Idea of procedurally generating the entire game. This adds a different twist to it every time it is played. Also i think creating custom particles effects for each weapon and ability is a creat idea and really creates a nice visual appearance.
What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
You said you would be writing a self-made particle system from complete scratch. I don't really understand the reason for this. Unity provides the ability to fully customise the standard Particle system even on code level so you can add forces / change appearance of each particle anyways. Why would you waste time reimplementing an existing system if the basis is already given and only needs to be improved on?
Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
I would focus on using the unity standard particle scripting backend to create your effects. Maybe you could create custom emitters for spinning particle effects and also you could create meshes for emitting particles from triangles or other shapes.
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga46doz) sagt:
04. Mai 2018What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
I really like the combat system. Making it necessary to use your resources carefully and not extensively mashing buttons makes combat more interesting and strategic.
What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
The inability to change weapons in an instance. Sometimes weapons might be more efficient against specific monsters. Adapting to the monsters at the right time can add some more strategy to the game.
Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
I think the players should have to think about the elements they are using in the fight. Some elements work better together than others and may have special effects. This encourages players to think about their setup in the team not only their own. The players should be able to change their weapons/elements between the waves/when out of combat.
Erik Franz sagt:
04. Mai 2018What is your favorite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
Reducing the map size is a good step to keep the players focused on one common goal, which I think is a general problem of open world games. I think the guiding light orb will also help with that.
What is your least favorite aspect? Why?
If the light is moving along a premade path, independent of the player, it might be a bit too restrictive, depending on the increase in difficulty when away from orb. Some players might want to explore the map more thoroughly or move at their own pace.
Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
You could give the players some possibility to influence where the light is going. E.g. the light sticks to the players as good as possible while staying on the path. This would allow player to explore side paths or just head to main objective.
Unbekannter Benutzer (ga38fiz) sagt:
06. Mai 20181. What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
I like that that the game does not try to have a complicated progress/inventory system so you can just jump into battle.
2. What is your least favourite aspect? Why?
It would be nice if one could modify his character in a way that he has a more supportive role with heals/buffs. You could e.g. use the water element for healing.
3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
While it might not be necessary it would be great if there were some in-level story telling elements. This could be a good motivation to progress further.
Erik Franz sagt:
06. Mai 2018From Daniel Probst (MDH):
1. What is your favourite aspect of the proposed game? Why?
Having a small randomly generated map that is actually interesting and creates worthwhile gaming experiences sounds like something that I would love to see. It would for once generate a good amount of replay ability and be a great tool to use in future project.
2. What is your least favourite aspect? Why?
I have to say that this project is special in this regard, as my favourite part is also the one I am most sceptical about. The randomly generated map could easily mean that even a good combat system and an interesting light/grouping incentive will not be enough to keep the game from getting stale and monotone.
But assuming that this problem will be solved, as the team is already aware of it I lack a clear problem to point towards.
3. Which single change or addition would you suggest to most improve the game?
I would change the “escort light” to a kind of dynamic light that follows either one player who takes to role of leader or follows the biggest group of players. Otherwise the branching path structure of the map would clash with the escort light, in my eyes. Walking outside the light would be as deadly as going into the Dark in Don’t Starve. (kills very quickly) and as such make it impossible for players to go into different directions and leave the screen.
4. Anything else you find worth noting about the game?
This feels solidly thought through already…so I have not much else to nit-pick about.