The CIP Pool consists of 24 workstations in the CIP1 and CIP2 pool rooms, 15 workstations in the container building, 6 workstations in the Mini Pool by the entrance and 3 workstations in the foyer. All workstations run Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, but they can also be used to connect to the Windows Application Server. There are SmartBoards in CIP2 and Cont2.

There is a page on Remote Access, but you need to be logged in with your TUM account to view it.

(You need to be a physics student both to login to the CIP pool and to see the RemoteAccess page. There is no point in requesting access via the Wiki, you will not be able to use the information anyway. If you want access to the CIP pool e.g. as somebody who attends lectures in the physics department, please send an email to explaining your situation in detail.)

To enter the CIP Pool rooms, just hold your Legic card (student ID) next to the card readers by the doors. In case of problems, please take your card out of your wallet, many other cards (e.g. credit cards) use Legic-compatible technology, so the reader may actually see the wrong card. In case of persistent problems, send an email to, stating exactly when you tried to enter which room so we can check the logs.

In some of the rooms there are printers, to reduce wasted paper by erroneous print commands, they usually can only be accessed from the respective rooms. To cancel your printouts (if you do not want to wait for them), go to and use your login and password. You can also open a terminal window (Accessories/Terminal) and type lprm job#, your job# is displayed in the printer's queue (see links on the Printing page).

If you want to install software licensed by the Physikdepartment on your own computer, please go here



Please do not unplug or turn off the CIP computers. They are being used remotely for time-consuming calculations.


We now require hardware-based keys for password-less logins. Please see SSH with FIDO2 hardware keys (Yubikeys)


While the domains still exist, they no longer seem to be cryptographically signed by the LRZ.. Rather use etc. from now on.


Welcome to the School of Natural Sciences! We'll keep the subdomain for the time being, but some addresses in have been activated.


Some hosts already run Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish . We have observed no major problems. Feedback to


A lot of people want to run Jupyter on the CIP pool computers and see the notebook on their own devices. Here we explain how this is easily possible.


The computer rooms in the container are re-opened!


A water pipe in CIP2 is leaking... The right hand side of the room currently cannot be used. Will hopefully get fixed before the term starts.

04.11.2020The CIP pools are partially re-opened for tutorials, please register by scanning the QR-codes when you enter the rooms!
30.07.2020All CIP machines now run Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. Please test and report problems/success to!


We have a little "studio" for Screencasts in CIP2.
25.10.2019There now are CO2 detectors in CIP1 and CIP2. Please ventilate the rooms when the concentration is higher than 1000ppm.
06.08.2019We have a brand new RaspberryPi4 in CIP1, you can login with your usual credentials. Not all the usual software is installed, but the machine is fine for browsing etc.
12.11.2018cip2ivy has been replaced with a new CoffeeLake CPU machine, cip2ivy has moved to CIP1 and replaced the last first-generation Core-i7.
17.07.2018VNC now uses tigerVNC (instead of tightVNC) to support dynamic screen resizing (Settings→Display, just like a physical monitor)
12.04.2018Maintaining the NX remote access functionality is getting more and more difficult because a lot of the components involved (xfs server side font rendering!) can only be convinced to work on modern distributions by compiling our own binaries from old sources. Also, users report that running the client binaries is only possible with some tricks. We will therefore discontinue NX, please use VNC! See RemoteAccess for details.
11.04.2018Cipgate now runs Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver, just like the test hosts in CIP1. Please test and report problems/success.


You can now remotely connect to the CIP pool via VNC! First, connect to cipgate via SSH as usual, but including a port forward for VNC: "ssh -p 222 -L 5900:localhost:5900". Then, you can connect to the graphical login screen of cipgate by typing "vncviewer localhost" on your local computer. See RemoteAccess for details.


The temperatures are rising and the air conditioners are dripping again. (traurig) Please report water on the tables to!


We have replaced the first-generation Core-i7 hosts in CIP2 with Skylake-based systems.


The card readers by the doors now authenticate against the central LDAP directory. Please report any problems.


Mathematica 11 is now available.
11.08.2016Almost all the computers in CIP1 and CIP2 now run on SSDs.
26.07.2016We now have a direct VPN connection to the CIP pool.
04.07.2016The problem with the dripping air conditioner in CIP2 should be fixed. Please report dripping water if you see it!
10.06.2016cip2ivy in CIP2 now has a 22" FullHD Wacom Cintiq. You are welcome to play with it, but please do not steal the pen.

All photos on these pages were taken by SR.

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