The information listed here refers to the following degree programmes:
  • BSC-ES: B.Sc. Engineering Science (Ingenieurwissenschaften)
  • MSC-HFE: M.Sc. Ergonomie - Human Factors Engineering
  • MSC-IBT: M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology
  • MSC-MSE: M.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering
  • MSC-PE: M.Sc. Power Engineering

These study programs are assigned to the
- ED Study & Teaching Team "Interdisciplinary Engineering"
- Erasmus+ partnership bundle "ED - Munich School of Engineering"
ISCED-Code 071 - "Engineering and engineering trades", ISCED-Code 0719 - "Engineering and engineering trades (not elsewhere classified)" und ISCED-Code 0713 "Electricity and Energy"

Information Provided by TUM Global & Alumni Office'

On the page Going Abroad of the TUM Global & Alumni Office you will find detailed information on stays abroad. Please work through this information intensively. Furthermore, you will also find valuable information in the students' experience reports. If you have any further questions, you can find the contact person for the topic 'International' on the wiki page Kontakte / Contacts - IE.



Primary responsibility for organizing a stay abroad via the TUMexchange program lies with the TUM Global & Alumni Office ( Please contact the staff responsible there first if you have any questions or organizational matters.

Financial aspects of scholarships (esp. Erasmus+)'

The financial administration of scholarships is usually carried out by the corresponding teams of the TUM central Global & Alumni Office and not by the International Office of the TUM School of Engineering and Design (ED). This applies in particular to the Erasmus+ program. Therefore, please contact the TUM-central Global & Alumni Office ( directly regarding these questions.

Application documents'

Information on the application documents to be submitted can be found under Additional information and notes. If you have further questions, please contact

Additional information and notes'

Lead time'

Please note the sometimes long lead times for planning your stay of up to 18 months depending on the university, country and funding model!

Partner Universities'

A list of the universities with which established partnerships exist for the above-mentioned study programmes can be found here.

Learning Agreement / Recognition of credits abroad'

  • To choose the modules you would like to take during your stay abroad, please refer to the information provided by the partner university on their information channels (esp. homepage). In addition, the experience reports may also offer assistance.

  • Please note that the specifications you made in the Learning Agreement for the recognition of module exams passed abroad for TUM modules are not binding. The recognition can only be checked and, if appropriate, approved upon your application after your return. Therefore, please fill Table B - Recognition at the Sending Institution in the field Component title at the Sending Institution (other fields can be left free) with the statement: "The courses listed in Table A can be recognised on request and after verification by the examination board in accordance with the FPSO." Other statements in the standard Learning Agreement are not valid. However, many degree programs include free elective sections into which credits earned abroad can be applied directly without recognition for a specific TUM module.

  • Please note that the International Affairs Delegate cannot comment on the recognisability of courses taken abroad. This is formally the responsibility of the examination board of your degree programme. If you have any questions, please contact the person responsible for recognitions for your degree programme (Kontakte / Contacts - IE).

  • The Bachelor's or Master's thesis can be written during a stay abroad. However, it must be supervised by an examiner from a TUM school or faculty involved in your degree programme. Regular contact with this person must be possible. For this, it is important that you and the examiner agree on this in advance.

Letter of recommendation'

For some internationalization programs, the submission of letters of recommendation is required. For ERASMUS+ this is not required.

Find out:

  • How many references you need to submit. The structure of the reference is the same for virtually all programs. The templates can vary, however. If you are applying for several programs, only make a single reference request.
  • Who has to provide the reference. Does it have to be a professor or is it sufficient to obtain a reference from a research or teaching associate?

Get in contact with your referee no later than six to eight weeks before the application deadline. It will be easier if you have achieved good grades in the relevant seminars or lectures or if you have already established personal contact.

The request for a reference should include the following documents:

  • brief outline of what it is you are applying for
  • up-to-date CV in table format
  • TUMonline grade sheet in PDF format in English
  • Transcript of Records, signed by the Examination Office in Garching
  • reference form for the exchange/scholarship program, if required


There are various options for financing your stay abroad:

  • Some exchange programs include cost subsidies, reimbursements and fee remissions (Study, Internship)
  • The BAföG grant for studying abroad (“Auslandsbafög”) can be used to cover living costs as well as subsidize such things as tuition fees, travel expenses etc. Within the calculation the parental allowance is higher than for BAföG grants in Germany!
  • Other options are scholarships, foundations, credits and loans.

Best time'

Due to the course structure, it is advisable for students on bachelor's degree programs to wait until after the fourth semester before going abroad. The greater freedom of choice in terms of course content in the fifth and sixth semester makes it easier to select transferable modules at the foreign university. Generally speaking, you will have to have completed the first year of your degree before taking a semester abroad.

Students on master's degree programs can go abroad from the first semester. However, please note that a leave of absence in the first semester is only possible in connection with consecutive master's degree courses at TUM. The application for the stay abroad can already be made during the Bachelor's program, although the admission to the Master's program may not have been approved at that time.

Note that in some cases lengthy lead times of up to 18 months are required to plan your stay abroad, depending on the university, country and funding model!

Erasmus+ (SMS) & Swiss Mobility Program'

  • Please note that you must be regularly enrolled at TUM during the entire Erasmus+ exchange semester.

  • For Erasmus+ SMS there is only one application deadline per year for the following academic year (WS and SS).

  • Only one application can be created, but you can indicate up to four stay requests. All stay requests should be well thought out and, in the case of a nomination, also feasible for you! The indication of second, third or fourth wishes has no influence on the probability of having the first wish fulfilled.

  • In the online application form, you may be offered several "TUM Departments" to choose from for a partner institution. Therefore, please make sure to select "ED - Munich School of Engineering" for the above-mentioned degree programs.
    (Exception: Application for an exchange place at ETH Zurich. In this case, please select "ED - Mechanical Engineering").

  • Only in exceptional cases you may be given the opportunity to apply for exchange places at other "TUM Departments", in which case you can only be considered for unallocated remaining places. In this case, however, the chance of getting a place at a renowned university abroad is rather small. Furthermore, please inform yourself on the website of the respective "TUM Department" about special selection/admission criteria and, if applicable, different application procedures. But note: Even if the application is from another "TUM Department", the signed application form must first be sent to the "TUM Department" ED - Munich School of Engineering. After review, the application will then be forwarded to the other "TUM Department". Within the application procedure, the application documents can only be forwarded to one other ""TUM Department"

  • Change to a Master's program of another "TUM Department": If you have already been a student at TUM for one year, are applying for a TUM ED Master's degree program for the summer semester (start 01.04) and are very likely to meet the admission requirements, the conditions of your future Master's degree program will already apply for the academic year following the start of your studies. You can find the relevant information in the "International" section of the wiki for your future Master's program. If you would like to apply for a stay abroad with Erasmus+ for the academic year following the start of your master studies, you must already have submitted a valid application for the Master's degree program at this time. Proof of this must be enclosed with the application documents for the Erasmus+ place, e.g. as an attachment to the CV.

  • The following applies to all applications: You must apply online via the portal of the TUM Global & Alumni Office and also send the signed application form as a PDF file to

  • Please register only once and use your TUM email address.

  • Make sure to remember your MoveOn access data!

  • Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to make any changes.

  • Selection criteria:
    • Academic progress and grades (very good to good grades are mandatory for ETH Zurich, École Polytechnique and CentraleSupélec).
    • Good integration of the semester abroad into the TUM studies or academic plans
    • Language skills
    • Social commitment and intercultural competence
    • Students who have accepted a TUMexchange place for the same academic period will not be nominated

  • Timing:
    • Submission of complete application by application deadline.
    • Notification of nomination by e-mail by the end of February at the latest.
    • Acceptance of the nomination by the student
    • Nomination of the student at the partner university
    • After nomination, you must apply independently (!) to the partner university in due time and form.

      You will receive all further information about the exchange directly from the partner university or the TUM Global & Alumni Office.

  • Documents for online application
    • Letter of motivation
      in English or in the national language, only for your 1st choice, max. 1 DIN A4 page

    • Curriculum vitae with photo
      in English or in the national language

    • All certificates of achievement
      (B.Sc. and if applicable M.Sc.)

    • Study plan abroad
      Study plan abroad with non-binding indication of the subjects you would like to take abroad (only for your 1st choice).

    • Language certificate(s)
      Language certificate(s) (Abitur certificate, TUM Language Center, private language course, DAAD test of the Language Center, ...). You do not need a TOEFL or IELTS test for the application. However, an official language test may be required by the partner university for later admission. If you are applying to (max.) four partner universities in countries with different languages of instruction, please upload language certificates for all languages in one PDF. If you have additional language certificates in the local language (e.g. Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch...), you are welcome to upload these as well. Even if the language of instruction on site is English, knowledge of the local language is an advantage and a plus point in your application.


The information on these wiki pages is provided for orientation purposes. No legal claims can be derived from incorrect statements. Only the corresponding official documents (e.g. APSO, FPSO) are legally binding.

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