- B.Sc. Engineering Science (Ingenieurwissenschaften)
- M.Sc. Ergonomics - Human Factors Engineering
- M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology
- M.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering
- M.Sc. Power Engineering
Below, you will find a list of universities with which agreements as part of the Erasmus+ programmes exist for the study programmes listed above. Please note for the cooperations the education level (B.Sc./M.Sc.) and the subject orientation. University: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby near Copenhagen University: École Centrale de Marseille University: CentraleSupélec University: École Polytechnique University: Politecnico di Milano (Milan) University: University of Rome Tor Vergata Hochschule: Università di Trento University: University of Rijeka University: Université du Luxembourg University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona The TUMexchange program allows students to spend a semester outside Europe at a TUM partner university.Erasmus+
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degrees: Bachelor, Master
Department: Selection of courses of the engineering departments
Places: 6 x 10 month (incoming / outgoing)FRANCE
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degrees: Master
Department: Department of Engineering and Engineering Trades
Places: 4 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degree: Bachelor, Master
Department: /
Places: 2 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degrees: Bachelor
Department: Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program
Places: 2 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)ITALY
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degrees: Bachelor / Master
Department: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali / Department of Aerospace Science and Technology
Places: 4 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degrees: Bachelor / Master
Department: School of Engineering
Places: 4 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)
ISCED: 0713 - Electricity and Energy
Degrees: Bachelor / Master
Department: Electricity and Energy (ISCED 0713)
Places: 1 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)CROATIA
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degree: Bachelor / Master
Places: 2 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)LUXEMBOURG
ISCED: 071 - Engineering and engineering trades
Degree: Bachelor
Department: Faculté des Sciences de la Technologie et de la Communcation / Bachelor en Sciences et Ingénierie
Places: 4 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)SPAIN
ISCED: 0732 - Building and civil engineering
Degree: Bachelor
Department: Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona / Barcelona School of Civil Engineering
Places: 4 x 6 month (incoming / outgoing)TUMexchange