
Stolz, Simon
Supervisor:Prof. Gudrun Klinker
Advisor:Rudolph, Linda (@ge29tuw)
Submission Date:[created]


This guided research is built upon my bachelor's thesis where I build a Unity augmented reality(AR) application for Android that guides lay users to conduct better photogrammetry scans.[1] Here the app is expanded by a server to which images can be uploaded. Further it was investigated how to improve the user interaction of the scene in which images are taken. Here it was found that reducing the complexity of user interface(UI) and scan process is expected to improve user performance. This is also done by porting some feedback information from the UI to spatial cues in the AR environment. The research investigation also showed that both the server API as well as the unity assets used to capture and save image data are a bottleneck. This reduces the images the app is able to capture to about 55 images. This issue might be able to be resolved by creating a new performance-oriented Android library.

Results/Implementation/Project Description


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