
to be filled


These organigram should provide a gross overview about the orginzational structure, relevant for you as an international student at the TUM School of Engineering and Design.

Position of Exchange Programs

Service Contacts for International Exchange Students

General Information for International Students

General information for international students coming to TUM can be found on the TUM central web page for international students and the linked sub-pages. Please work through this information intensively.

Buddy & Mentor Program for Incomings

In cooperation with the Study & Teaching Team of the School management, the international team of the TUM ED Student Council runs the TUM ED International Students-for Students Center. In addition to counseling services and organizational support for matters in and outside of the study program, the International Student Service Center also manages the TUM ED International Buddy Program.

For International Full Degree Program Students ("Incoming Regular Students")

International students interested in a full degree program at the TUM School of Engineering and Design at TUM, please refer to the information available in the individual study programs.

For International Exchange Program Students ("Incoming Exchange Students")

Exchange students from abroad can study at TUM for a maximum of 2 semesters, write a thesis or complete an internship. 

Please note that most of our Bachelor programs are in German but most Master’s program are in English or partly in English. If you had at least 2 years of prior studies at your home university and you fulfill the (recommended) prerequisites of the modules as stated in the module descriptions, then you can attend modules from our Master’s programs.

Language requirements: We expect you to have at least B1 German or B2 English language skills depending on the language of instruction of your chosen courses.

Subject Areas

The TUM School of Engieering of Design offers exchange programs in the following subject areas:

Module Overview and Selection

As an exchange student of the TUM School of Engineering and Design, you can choose courses from the complete course catalogue on Bachelor and Master level in the subject areas you are assigned to, provided you meet the (recommended) prerequisites of the modules as stated in the module descriptions. 

Basically, all modules offered at TUM are registered in the Campus Management System TUMonline. In TUMonline you can either search for modules or courses. A module may consist of several courses. For detailed information on implementation, content, ECTS, recommended prior knowledge, language and rotation (winter semester or summer semester), please refer to the module catalog and the course details.

When choosing your course, please make sure that you have the necessary professional qualifications. The modules that will actually take place in the exchange semester are not known until 4 to 6 weeks before the semester begins. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate your learning agreement / study plan with the modules offered at the start of the lecture period. If it is necessary, you can change your module choice after consulting your home university.

In principle, all modules from the previous semesters are also offered in the current semester. When choosing your modules, you can therefore orientate yourself on the respective previous semester. Please note: Modules from the previous winter semester are offered in the current winter semester; modules from the previous summer semester are offered in the current summer semester.

Study Areas Moduls (min 60 %)

As an exchange student, we expect you to take at least 60 % of your workload (number of modules) from the module offer of the subject areas you are assigned to. This module offer is displayed in the respective subject area program in TUMonline (links see below). Please make sure that you meet the (recommended) prerequisites of the modules as stated in the module descriptions.

Additional Modules (max 40 %)

In addition, you can also choose up to 40 % of your modules from the module offer of other subject areas / TUM Schools, provided you meet the (recommended) prerequisites of the modules as stated in the module descriptions.There are two ways to find your modules of interest:

Module search via TUMonline
The TUM course catalogue can be found in TUMonline.

Module search via TUM ED homepage
You can also get an overview of the course offerings via the homepage of the TUM School of Engineering and Design (ED). Please select the department of your interest at https://www.ed.tum.de/en/ed/about/departments/. At "About us" → "Professorships" you will find a list of all professorships / chairs belonging to the department. On the professorship / chair page, you will usually find a listing and description of the courses offered by the professorship under the tab "Teaching".

Learning Agreement

Please enter only modules and no courses in your learning agreement.
For your understanding: A module consists of at least one course (e.g. lecture, exercise, etc.) and exactly one exam. The module is passed if the corresponding exam is passed. Please always indicate the module number. This consists of a series of letters followed by a combination of numbers (e.g. LRG6300).

If you have any questions regarding the content of modules, please contact the module supervisor (= lecturer responsible for the module) directly.

Please enter the international affairs delegate responsibel for the respective subject area as the responsible person in the learning agreement. The international affairs delegate will also sign your learning agreement.

Languages courses at the Technical University of Munich

The Language Centre at the TUM offers various language courses for incoming students to improve their German language skills. German courses are offered at different levels.

In addition, incoming students can choose from a variety of foreign language courses.

Registration is via TUMonline. Due to the high demand, timely registration is important!

Semester Dates, Examinations and Transcript of Records

Since the German semester dates differ markedly in the international comparison, an early, exact planning of the stay abroad is very important:

  • Winter semester: 01 October to 31 March
  • Summer semester: 01 April to 30 September

The semester is divided into a lecture period and a lecture-free period:

  • Lecture period winter semester: mid-October to mid-February
  • Lecture period summer semester: mid-April to end of July

Examinations usually take place in the lecture-free period, more or less directly after the lecture period.

All relevant information about dates and deadlines at TUM (semester structure, semester breaks, public holidays and more) can be found here: Dates and deadlines at TUM 

A Transcript of Records for the home university about successfully passed exams can be downloaded and printed after your stay in TUMonline. The Transcript of Records is valid without a signature.


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