Welcome to the TUM School of Engineering and Design! We, the International Student Service Center, are excited to have you join our vibrant and diverse community. This additional information is designed to help you navigate your transition to TUM and the TUM School of Engineering and Design, and to make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.


General information for international students. 

For general information and First Steps you need to take at TUM, including arrival checklists, accommodation, and admission to-do lists. Please read the information carefully.

Important Health and Safety Information

Please familiarize yourself with the emergencies numbers listed below and with the important information about the German healthcare system in this pdf


Munich has an extensive public transport network of buses, trams, and trains. Consider purchasing Deutschland's student ticket for travel all over Germany (Excluding the ICE, EC and IC trains) for 29 Euros a month. For this, you will need your Matriculation Certificate and a bank account.

Don't forget to download the MVG App to access your tickets and the DB App to check actualized train times and info. 



Under the following link, you can find information about orientation weeks and campus tours.


Academic Life

TUM Online 

Getting started with the campus management system where you can: 

  • Register for courses. 
  • Download important documents, including your matriculation certificate. 
  • Access IT licenses for various programs, including Microsoft Office and the online student library. 
  • and many more... 

For more information on how to use TUM Online, click here

Download the TUM Campus App to help you access information relevant for your everyday university life, including:

  • Canteen menus
  • Subway departure times
  • Calendar with lecture dates
  • Search for people, lectures and rooms
  • Grades
  • Tuition fee
  • News from TUM
  • Learning spaces


Language support

TUM offers German language courses for international students. These are highly recommended to help you adapt to life in Germany.


Libraries and study spaces

  • Libraries : Utilize the extensive resources available at the library including, ordering and renting books as well as access to ebooks, and reserving study desks.
  • Study Rooms:Various study rooms and quiet areas are available across the campus for individual or group study. 


Student organizations

The student council: Connect with the students' representative councils for support and advice throughout your stay. The TUM ED has five sub student councils assigned to six subject areas. Please find your respective councils below:

Here you can register to volunteer, if you are interested in Helping the Student council with events. 

Follow our student councils on Instagram to receive up-to-date info. 

Student Clubs:Join student clubs and societies to meet people with similar interests

The Student Union: The student union offers accommodation, counseling, food and drinks, financial aid and many more to all munich students. Please check their link for more information.

Central University Sport: the ZHS offers a wide range of sports courses and competitions. 

The Buddy Program:

We designed this program to help international students connect with others and receive extra support from other students. More information can be found here.


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