The given cantilevered beam (l=0.8m) has a quadratic cross section (a=0.01m) with E=2.1\times 10^{11}N/m^2, \nu=0.3, \rho=7850kg/m^3. It is discretized using the Finite Element Method and excited at the tip with F=1 N and of varying circular frequency (\Omega=\frac{s}{\mathrm{i}} ).
$\mathbf{C}=\alpha\mathbf{M} + \beta\mathbf{K}$) with coefficients \alpha=1.64 1/s, \beta=4.1 e-6 s.
We now include Rayleigh damping (Solution
Choosing only a few expansion points demonstrates how local the method approximates the full system. Here we choose s_1=500i \frac{\text{rad}}{\text{s}},\ s_2=6900i\frac{\text{rad}}{\text{s}}.
Next we choose eight linearly distributed expansion points between s_1=100i and s_r=7000i. This reduced model approximates the full model reasonably up to 1 \times 10^4 \frac{\text{rad}}{\text{s}}.