In the course of modal analysis, the terms in the equation of motion are transformed using the (Modal Analysis:modal matrix). As the eigenvectors are orthogonal with respect to the mass and stiffness matrix, this transformation leads to a diagonal mass \mathbf{M^*} and stiffness matrix \mathbf{K^*}. Hence, the equations of motion for all n degrees of freedom are decoupled.
For an arbitrary damping matrix \mathbf{C}\neq 0, the transformation using the undamped eigenmodes does not yield a diagonal generalized damping matrix \mathbf{C^*} and the n equations of motion do not decouple. However, if we consider a damping matrix proportional to stiffness and mass, i.e.
\mathbf{C}=\alpha\mathbf{M} + \beta\mathbf{K}, |
the damping matrix is diagonalizable with respect to the mode shapes \pmb{\phi}_j:
C_j = \alpha \pmb{\phi}_{j}^T \mathbf{M} \pmb{\phi}_{j} + \beta \pmb{\phi}_{j}^T \mathbf{K} \pmb{\phi}_{j} = \alpha M_j^\ast + \beta \omega_{j}^2 M_j^\ast . |
This special form of damping is known as proportional damping or Rayleigh-damping. The relationship between the Rayleigh damping coefficients \alpha and \beta and the modal damping ratio D_j of the j-th eigenmode is given by:
D_j = \frac{C_j}{2 \sqrt{K_j M_j}} = \frac{C_j}{2 M_j \omega_{j}} = \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{\alpha}{\omega_{j}} + \beta \omega_{j} \right) \, . |
In the Rayleigh-damping model the free parameters \alpha and \betahave to be chosen. A possibility is to choose desired damping values for two of the mode shapes \pmb{\phi}_i and \pmb{\phi}_j with eigenfrequencies \omega_i and \omega_j, respectively and adjust the values for \alpha and \beta such that
\begin{equation} D_i = \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{\alpha}{\omega_{i}} + \beta \omega_{i} \right)\ , D_j = \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{\alpha}{\omega_{j}} + \beta \omega_{j} \right) \, . \end{equation} |
The stiffness proportional part increases for increasing eigenfrequencies \omega_j, whereas the mass proportional part decreases for increasing eigenfrequencies \omega_j, as it is proportional to its inverse \frac{1}{\omega_{j}}.