Team Members: Yaxuan Dai, Miguel Trasobares, Jialin Yang

Milestone 0: Game idea pitch

Core Idea Keywords

Chain Reaction in its Mechanics

Cascaded Explosion

Active/passive bomb

  • Active bombs trigger itself
  • Passive bombs are triggered by other bombs 

Flammable objects in the map

Oil bucket, haystack, wooden fence, tree, etc

Survival Bonus

  • Each round, surviving players have their total resources doubled.
  • Later rounds unlock powerful and costlier bombs.

Potential Technical Achievements

  • Multiplayer Gameplay
  • AIGC (elements/maps)
  • Visual Simulation (explosive effects)


  • Round-based Bomberman
  • Time dimension in gameplay


  • Bomberman - Blast in Maze
  • Quantum League - Time Travel
  • Candy Crush Saga - Cascaded Effects
  • 5D Chess - Multiverse Time Travel


Milestone 1: Formal Game Proposal



Milestone 2: Prototype





Milestone 3: Interim Demo



Milestone 4: Alpha Release



Milestone 5: Playtesting



Milestone 6: Final Release




Game Build




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13 Kommentare

  1. Lukas Moersler sagt:

    Favorite aspect: Solid, proven core gameplay

    Least favorite aspect: Time slowdown + time travel + diverging timelines seems a bit much

    Suggestion: I may have misunderstood the pitch, but if you were planning on all 3 of those I would suggest just focusing on the "cooperating with your past self" concept to keep the overall scope and cognitive load on players in check.

  2. Maximilian Amougou Mbida sagt:

    1. I really liked the idea of adding a time dimension to the game, i think this can make it really interesting to play. Furthermore it makes the game stand out from the original Bomberman.
      The idea of adding more expensive tools to later round is also nice because it would motivate me to play longer than without new tools.
    2. I am not so sure about the Round-based approach. I think this takes away the thrill you get when playing in realtime. It would be more a Chessversion of the original game.
    3. Maybe it could be possible to choose from different modi. easy - roundbased, hard - realtime
  3. Felix Wenzel sagt:

    Favorite Aspect:

    AI Generated Maps, for fun new levels!

    Least favourite Aspect:

    Time Travel, (Time changes in general) i think it doesnt really add to the game if you use generated maps, as predictability gets lost and you cant win by simply being the better player. (Random effect of AI)


    Either use the Time travel, past teammate, or AI maps. One of both will give a great Strategic aspect, but both together just sound frustrating and as a not fun combination.

  4. Daniel Abert sagt:

    favourite aspect:

    time travel :) i love time travel.

    I like the merging of bomber man and this temporal aspect.

    least favourite aspect:

    could get very confusing easily, but I wish you the best of luck.


    none, as of yet. I am excited what you'll be able to do.

  5. Christian Barbu sagt:

    Favorite aspect: Time travel

    Least favorite aspect: Complexity after taking a large number of rounds

    Suggestion: Fix the number of rounds and let the player go back to the other rounds, cycling to a fixed amount of rounds, given a limited time for each round.

  6. James Pickrell sagt:

    I am not familiar with bomber man.

    Favorite aspect: I like turn based games with strategy.  This sounds fun.

    I am confused about the time travel aspect.  It may require more explanation. I am intrigued.

  7. Natalia Piotrowski sagt:

    Favorite aspect: I like the time travel idea, and how it could cause chain reactions.

    Least favorite aspect: AI for map generation. The player (ideally) wont notice that you are using AI there, but verifying that the maps that AI generates even work might take up a lot of time an effort. I think this would be a lot of work for relatively little payoff. 

    Suggestion: I would stick to designing the maps yourselves. That way you can also make sure that the time travel mechanic actually works. 

  8. Melih Yilmaz sagt:

    Favorite aspect: I like that it is multiplayer, because I like to play Bomberman with friends. 

    Least favorite aspect: But it could get confusing very fast because of the time travel aspect.

    Suggestion: Instead of using AI you could write a simple algorithm that generates the maps for you. I think that would not be too difficult.

  9. Haorui Tan sagt:

    Favorite aspect: The dynamic between active and passive bombs adds an interesting layer of strategy.

    Least favorite aspect: Time travel is difficult to achieve

    Suggestion: Real-time gameplay changed to turn-based.

  10. Serhad Çalışkan sagt:

    Favorite Aspect:
    The concept of chain reactions and cascading explosions adds a strategic depth to the gameplay, making each move feel impactful. I also love the blend of active and passive bomb mechanics, which can lead to unpredictable and exciting outcomes.

    Least Favorite Aspect:
    The complexity introduced by the time travel mechanic feels like it might overwhelm the core gameplay. Balancing multiple timelines and trying to predict outcomes across different rounds could be confusing for players, especially when combined with AI-generated maps.

  11. Yifei Liu sagt:

    Favorite Aspect: Time dimension.

    Least Favorite AspectMaybe try other ways to generate map, e.g. noise.

  12. Andrey Roytman sagt:

    Most favorite aspect: chain reaction aspect in mechanics.

    Least favorite aspect: not clear, what challenges player on a level aside from their own past selves.

    Suggestion: maybe shift a focus from completing a level each round to trying to complete one exact level across a numerous rounds, which is impossible to complete in one run (time limit, difficulty..), but becomes a bit easier with every loop.

  13. Cynthia Drews sagt:

    Most favorite aspect:
    I like the revival of a classic game like Bomberman in a newer game idea like 5D Chess!

    Least favorite aspect:
    Just be careful not to overwhelm the user. As suggested, test a version without friendly fire (especially for team-based gameplay).

    In Bomberman there are different types of upgrades you can collect, maybe some ideas could be included. But then I would show the upgrades for each user of each user on the screen, otherwise you lose track. You should also show the user directly what effects the move will have before he/she makes it, to take the mental load off the user.
    You could also include environmental hazards. Instead of explosions, you could emit lasers in all directions. Then you could also add 45° mirrors that reflect around corners, or portals to make planning even harder. Also, levels that wrap around themselves are sometimes chaotic fun (e.g. going up and coming out at the bottom of the screen).