Submit this form if you wish to deregister from the EIST 2024 main exam, even though you passed the exam.
Please note that if you choose this option, your original exam score will be invalidated, and you will not be eligible for any bonus points from assignments.
If you still want to participate in the repeat exam, please complete this form by 11:55 a.m. on Monday, September 16th.
IMPORTANT: Note that this is an irreversible step — you will not be able to claim your original exam scores anymore.
After the due date, we will request that Prufungsamt deregister you from the main exam. Thereafter, you will be able to register for the repeat exam on TUMOnline.
Please note that you must explicitly register for the repeat exam in TUMOnline.
(Note for the students who failed the main exam: Those who failed the main exam can register for the repeat exam directly on TUMOnline, and they must not fill out this form.)