On the business card registered TUMonline users can find their most import contact data.
Please log in to TUMonline.
Click on your name in the top right hand corner and then on the “Business card” link:
Screenshot: Link to business card
You can edit your contact data by clicking on the “Edit” link.
Screenshot: “Edit” link
The “Business card” page opens.
Screenshot: Edit you business card
Element | Description |
“Homepage” | Here you can enter your homepage or the homepage of your organization. |
“External phone no”, “Mobile phone” and “Fax” | Here you can enter your phone number, your mobile number and/or your fax number. |
“Additional info” | Here you can add additional contact information. |
“Business card picture” | Here you can upload a photo for your business card. To do so, click on the “Edit” button. Click on “Browse” to select an image which is already saved on your computer. The image should be formatted according to the information given on the right. In addition, under “display option” you can choose whether the image should be displayed to all users or only registered TUMonline users. |
“Business card/Workplace backround image” | Here you can upload a background image for your business card. |
Save all the changes of your business card settings.