This page describes a standard configuration of the different consumers. This configuration can be used to have comparable results between different experiments.

(only heat pump or boiler)
(heat pump + boiler)
Construction year1995 to 20022007 to 2009 (EnEv 2007)2007 to 2009 (EnEv 2007)From 2016 (EnEv 2016)2007 to 2009 (EnEv 2007)1995 to 2002
Additional Insulationroof + floorroof + walls + floorroof + walls + floorroof + ceiling + walls + floorroof + walls + floorroof + floor
Number of Floors222223
Number of Apartments122324
Total number of inhabitants66108616
Living area300 m²300 m²500 m²400300 m²750 m²
Heating system


Floor heatingFloor heating + radiatorsFloor heatingRadiators


Area specific heating power

22 W/m²

16 W/m²22 W/m²13 W/m²20 W/m²

22 W/m²

Supply temperature

60 °C

40 °C45 °C40 °C60 °C

60 °C

Design return temperature

45 °C

30 °C30 °C30 °C45 °C

45 °C

Room heating
peak power (for Typedays)

9 kW

7 kW12 kW7 kW9 kW
Reference room termperature21°C

Domestic hot water consumption


300 l/day300 l/day

500 l/day

400 l/day300 l/day800 l/day

Electric consumption profile

Profile 8
5175 kWh/a
Profile 31
5010 kWh/a

Profile 31
5010 kWh/a

Profile 42
6041 kWh/a
Profile 25
5149 kWh/a
Profile 40 + 65
10536 kWh/a
Total Electric consumption for simulation6500 kWh/a7000 kWh/a11000 kWh/a9500 kWh/a7000 kWh/a18000 kWh/a
Heating equipment

CHP (5 kW)
+ boiler (14 kW)
(+ solar thermal?)

Heat pump (10 + 6 kW)
   or boiler (20 kW)
+ solar thermal (9 kW)

Heat pump (10 + 6 kW)
+ solar thermal (9 kW)
+ boiler (20 kW)

Heat pump (10 + 6 kW)
+ solar thermal (9 kW)

(Stirling CHP)
Electric heating rod (9 kW)
(+ solar thermal?)

CHP (20 kW)
+ boiler (50 kW)


775 l heating +
500 l DHW

785 l

785 l

900 l

860 l

1950 l

15 Minute Profiles

Consumption: Heating, DHW, Electricity

Weather: Direct / Diffuse radiation, Temperature, air humidity

Common heating system temperatures for different heating systems of consumers:

  • very old building with old and heavy radiators: 90/70 °C,
  • old building with radiators: 75/65 °C,
  • condensing boiler system: 60/45 °C,
  • floor heating systems: 40/30 °C
  • Keine Stichwörter

2 Kommentare

  1. Thomas Licklederer sagt:

    storages are missing

    1. Daniel Zinsmeister sagt:
