Location_Module - Type - Details


xxx_xx - Location (e.g. SF1_HS)

y_yy - Type (e.g. S_EE)

zz_zz_zz - Details (can be less details, e.g. EG)


Location AcronymDescriptionModule AcronymDescription
SF1Single Family House 1HSHeat Sink
SF2Single Family House 2CHPCHP Unit
SF3Single Family House 3EBCondensing Boiler
SF4Single Family House 4HPHeat Pump
MFHMultiple Family HouseCHNConnector Heating Network
LVRLow Voltage RoomTSxThermal Storage

STSolar Thermal unit

DHDistrict Heating

FField (number) within LVR


S_EEEl EnergyA_PMPower TransistorC_EVExpansion Vessel
S_EIEl CurrentA_MVMagnetic ValveC_ANConnector
S_EPEl Active PowerA_MXMixing ValveC_RedPressure Reducer
S_EQEl Reactive PowerA_PUPumpC_PRPressure Release Valve
S_ESEl Apparent PowerA_RLRelaisC_ELDeaerator
S_EUEl VoltageA_CVControl ValvleC_BVBall Valve
S_FGFlow GasA_V33-Way ValveC_FIFilter
S_FWFlow WaterA_V44-Way ValveC_CVCheck Valve
S_TMTemperatureA_HSHeatsourceC_SASludge Filter
S_TETh EnergyA_EHElectric HeaterC_SKControl Box
S_TPTh PowerA_CBCircuit BreakerC_HXHeatexchanger
S_PGPressure GasA_BVBall ValveC_NVNeedle Valve
S_PKPosition Ball Valve

C_PSPower Supply
S_PLPressure Air

C_SGSafety Group 
S_PWPressure Water


EGExhaust GasTHHigh Temperature
FDFill / DrainingTMMedium Temperature
FGFuel GasTLLow Temperature
CPCHPTGThermal Grid
PSProducer SideINInlet
FWFresh WaterOUOutlet
HCHeating CircuitSTSolar Thermal System
CCCooling CircuitaMAfter Mixer
KOCondensateRLReturn (Inlet)
EHElectric HeaterVLForerun (Outlet)
BTThermal StoragebMBefore Mixer
BCBrine CircuitTHThermal
HPHeat PumpEXPExport
HWSHot Water StorageIMPImport
HWHot WaterPinPin Number

QSwitching Element

A dummy VeriStand model with all input and output signals is placed at GitLab CoSES repository: https://gitlab.lrz.de/ge97bug/coses/-/tree/master/Veristand/Dummy%20Veristand%20SysDef

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3 Kommentare

  1. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge79biy) sagt:

    Explain what is the following line refering to:


    1. Daniel Zinsmeister sagt:


      1. Unbekannter Benutzer (ge79biy) sagt:

        Last comment, is it can be or ca means something?

        zz_zz_zz - Details (ca be less details, e.g. EG)