
Programme Overview

The International Research Opportunities Programme (IROP) is an exchange programme which takes place over ~8 weeks in the summer from 1st July – 23rd August 2024. Selected undergraduate students work on a research project under the supervision of researchers at Imperial College London. Participants will share the experience with students from other institutions and have the opportunity to explore London and the United Kingdom during the summer. Participants will gain practical research experience in an area of interest whilst experiencing student life at Imperial.

There are a number of IROP places available for TUM students across the Imperial departments below:

Home Department at TUM

Host Department at Imperial


Chemistry (maximum of 2 places)


Chemical Engineering  (maximum of 1 place)


Physics (maximum of 3 places)


Mathematics (maximum of 3 places)


Computing (maximum of 1 place)

TUM School of Engineering and Design

Materials (maximum of 1 place)

TUM School of Life Sciences

Life Sciences (maximum of 2 places)

Research project

Participants will be matched with a host supervisor at Imperial College London according to interest areas. It is not guaranteed to be matched with a particular supervisor and participants may need to be flexible. Once matched, the research project is planned and carried out independently between the student and supervisor.

Projects will take place on Imperial’s South Kensington or White City campus depending on the research project and host supervisor. The Department of Chemistry is mainly based at White City campus.

Intercultural experience

Students from MIT, the Technical University of Munich, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Cornell University and the University of Toronto will participate in IROP next summer. There will be a social programme, including a welcome afternoon tea, local trip and celebration event, where participants can get to know fellow IROP students and explore London.

Programme dates

Monday 1st July 2024: IROP begins. Orientation session with the IROP Team, followed by lab induction in the department

During IROP: Organised events as part of the social programme

23rd August 2024: IROP ends

Variation to these dates will not be possible.

Further information

Watch MIT student Claire’s IROP day in the life vlog.

How To Apply


  • Be fully enrolled as a student at TUM during IROP
  • Have completed at least 2,5 years of studies before beginning IROP in July 2024
  • Be able to commit to the full duration of the programme 1st July – 23rd August
  • Any other home institution eligibility criteria

Application Process

There are two stages to the application process: 

1. Selection by TUM → Application deadline: January 15, 2024

Submit the following documents to your Study Abroad Adviser:

  • Statement of motivation (research areas/labs of interest, motivation to take part in IROP)
  • CV and academic transcript
  • 3 supervisors of interest who you would like to work with on a research project. Supervisors of interest must be from the Imperial department you have been nominated to. An academic’s online biography page will state if they are based at South Kensington or White City Campus. Please do not contact any academics.
  • Language Certificate (English C1)

2. If selected, the Imperial IROP Team will request application documents for project matching

Your application information will be used to match selected students to a suitable host supervisor for a research project. Information about current research areas and potential supervisors can be found under the ‘Research’ tab on the host departments webpage. Follow to link in the table on page 1 for the host department which applies to you. Please note, if you are selected for IROP it is not guaranteed that you will be matched with a chosen supervisor.

Whilst Imperial College London will make every effort, final acceptance to IROP will depend on a suitable supervisor and research project being agreed.

Practical Matters


Accommodation will be arranged for all participants in student halls of residence. Selected participants will be given further information to book and pay for their room. Participants should expect to commute to either the South Kensington or White City Campus each day – a typical London experience!

Suggested Budget 

Guide only: actual costs will depend on personal preferences and updated costs in 2024.

GBP– weekly 

GBP – total 8 weeks 

Return travel to London 


Standard Visitor Visa (if applicable) 


Single en-suite room in Imperial hall of residence 

*based on 2023 costs “*estimate

Room rents are subject to change each year and vary depending on room type.

£284 *standard stay rate (5 –9 weeks) 


Food *estimate  



Local travel (zone 1-2 travelcard, all buses for 2 months) 


Personal and leisure *estimate



Covid 19 

Potential impact will be continuously monitored, and adjustments to overseas opportunities may be required at short notice. IROP will follow any UK and international travel advice and restrictions.


Any questions about nomination to IROP should be directed to Maria Eckholt (NAT-Physics at TUM)

Once selected, participants are then supported by Beth & Laura, the IROP Team at Imperial, who are available to answer questions and provide support during IROP.

IROP Tips  

Ideal participants will be willing to develop skills in proactivity, organisation and independence, which will support you well in preparing to come to London and make the most of the research project.  

Tip from previous participant: ‘To get the most out of the placement requires resilience, adaptability and an open mind as it is probable that things will go wrong or will not be as you had expected. Despite this, I enjoyed every moment of the trip and could not imagine a better way to spend the summer.’   

Subject: Vortragsreihe : Exzellent und trotzdem unsichtbar?! – Wege zu mehr Sichtbarkeit für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Innovation

Date: 23. October 2023 at 17:58:35 CEST

To: <>

Only in German

Wie sichtbar sind innovative Frauen? Welche Gründe führen dazu, dass sie häufig weniger sichtbar sind als ihre männlichen Kollegen? Und vor allem: wie lässt sich das ändern?

Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigen sich die Projekte der BMBF-Förderrichtlinie: „Frauen in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Innovation: Leistungen und Potenziale sichtbar machen, Sichtbarkeit strukturell verankern“ („Innovative Frauen im Fokus“). In der Vortragsreihe „IFiF-Impulse“ werden erste Ergebnisse vorgestellt und in den Stand der aktuellen Forschung eingeordnet.

Die Teilnahme ist für alle interessierten Personen offen. Insbesondere richten sich die Vorträge an Wissenschaftler*innen und Studierende, Personen aus dem Wissenschaftsmanagement, der Hochschulkommunikation, aus dem Bereich Gleichstellung sowie Personen aus der Unternehmenskommunikation, dem Personal- und Diversity-Management und dem Innovationsbereich in Unternehmen.

Die folgenden Vorträge finden im Wintersemester 2023/2024 jeweils an einem Dienstag im Monat von 18:00 Uhr (s.t.) bis 19:30 Uhr via WebEx statt.

Der Gender Visibility Gap in der Wissenschaft: Positionen, Akteur*innen, Handlungsoptionen
Prof. Ute Klammer & Eva Wegrzyn, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Dienstag, 17. Oktober, 18 Uhr (s.t.)

Professorinnen im Sport: Sichtbarkeit, Wahrnehmung und Vorbildfunktion
Prof. Dr. Pamela Wicker & Dr. Katrin Scharfenkamp, Universität Bielefeld
Dienstag, 7. November, 18 Uhr (s.t.)

Female Entrepreneurship – gründen Frauen anders?
Dr. Melanie Slavici, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Dienstag, 5. Dezember, 18 Uhr (s.t.)

Workshop: Do it your way – Entwicklung einer authentischen Sichtbarkeitsstrategie für Wissenschaftlerinnen
Dr. Julia Rathke, PH Ludwigsburg & Dr. Katja Knuth-Herzig, ZWM Speyer
Dienstag, 16. Januar, 18 Uhr (s.t.)

Ein kurzes Abstract und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung (für einzelne oder alle Vorträge):

Hier sind die Aufzeichnungen zu den vergangenen Vorträgen der Online-Vortragsreihe IFiF-Impulse zu finden:

Dr. Claudia Landgrafe
Coordinator of the Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Ackermannweg 10
55128 Mainz, Germany
T: +49 6131 379 247

Dear Madams and Sirs,

one of the World’s leading X-ray light sources, the European X-ray Free Electron Laser is planning a virtual information event on engineering jobs at the facility on November 9th. If this event is of interest to your students, I would kindly ask you to advertise it using the attached poster within your department.

You can find an outline of and register for the event at

I am happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you, and best regards,

Steffen Hauf


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

am 9. November veranstaltet eine der führenden Röntgenlichtquellen der Welt, der European X-ray Free Electron Laser, einen virtuellen Informationsabend, um über Ingenieurberufe an der Forschungseinrichtung zu informieren. Falls diese Veranstaltung für ihre Studierenden interessant ist, möchte ich Sie bitten, das angehängte Poster in ihrem Fachbereich auszuhängen, oder anderweitig zu bewerben.

Programm und Registrierung sind unter zu finden.

Für Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

Danke und mit freundlichen Grüßen

Steffen Hauf

Dr. Steffen Hauf

Controls - Group Leader

European XFEL GmbH
Phone +49 (0)40 8998-6964
Fax +49 (0)40 8994-6964

Headquarters: Holzkoppel 4, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany

Managing Directors: Prof. Dr. Robert Feidenhans’l, Dr. Nicole Elleuche
Registered as European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH at
Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 111165

Austausch und Vielfalt erleben mit dem neuen Kulturprogramm des Studierendenwerks München Oberbayern!

Das Veranstaltungsprogramm für das Wintersemester 2023/24 ist da und bietet wieder zahlreiche Gelegenheiten für besondere Freizeitaktivitäten oder etwas Ausgleich neben den Uni-Seminaren und Prüfungen. Denn studieren ist nun einmal mehr als Vorlesungen und Seminare. Studieren heißt auch kreativ werden und neues entdecken. Deshalb laden wir alle Studierenden ein, ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen, neue Menschen, Orte und Ideen kennenzulernen und sich zu vernetzen.

Es gibt auch dieses Mal wieder verschiedene lockere Formate wie Spieleabende, Stadtspaziergänge durch Münchens unbekannte Ecken oder eine Kleidertauschparty.

Zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung bieten wir zahlreiche Workshops, unter anderem zu Diskriminierungssensibler Sprache, Zivilcourage oder Alltagssexismus, aber auch zu nachhaltigen Themen wie veganer Ernährung an.

Neue Leute kennenlernen und sich besser Vernetzen können interessierte Studierende hingegen beim Speedfriending oder dem Schnupperskateboardkurs für FLINTA*.

Mit dabei sind selbstverständlich auch in diesem Semester das traditionelle Cultureclubbing, der ComOly sowie verschiedene Tagesausflüge, gemeinsame Ausstellungsbesuche und vieles Mehr.

Des Weiteren bietet das Beratungszentrum sowohl Vorträge rund um Stipendien und Studienfinanzierung als auch Workshops zu Tipps & Tricks für den Unialltag oder Mental Health an.

Zum gesamten Programm geht es hier.


Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Abteilung Soziales
Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 München 



Lots of Contact and Diversity with the new Cultural Programme of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern!

The Cultural Programme for the 2023/24 Winter Semester has started, once again offering plenty of opportunity to enjoy special leisure activities or a welcome change from seminars and exams at university.

For, after all, studying should be more than attending lectures and seminars. Studying is also about being creative and having new experiences. We therefore want to offer all our students the opportunity to let their creativity run freely, to get to know new people, places and ideas and to get into contact with each other.

As always, there’ll also be a number of relaxing events, such as Games Nights, City Walks through yet unknown parts of Munich or a Clothes Swap Party.

For your personal development, the programme offers numerous workshops, for example on Inclusive Language, “Civil Courage” or Everyday Sexism, but also ones dealing with sustainability, such as Vegan Diet.

Students attending our Speed Friending or First-Try Skateboard Course for FLINTA*, however, have the opportunity to meet and get into contact with new people.

This semester’s programme naturally also includes our traditional Cultureclubbing, the ComOly as well as various day trips, exhibitions and lots more.

Also, the Advice and Counselling Centre is organizing various talks dealing with scholarships or how to finance your studies as well as workshops providing tips concerning your everyday uni life or mental health.

Have a look at the complete programme of events here.


Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Abteilung Soziales
Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 München 



Liebe Studentinnen der TUM,  

„I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life who held their hand out and showed me the way. I am the product of other people’s mentorship.“ (Michelle Obama)  

Was kommt eigentlich nach dem Studium? Ein früher, entspannter Einblick in die Berufswelt wäre eigentlich ziemlich praktisch, oder?  

Dann haben wir vielleicht genau die richtige Lösung für Dich! 

Das mentorING-Programm der TUM ist ein offenes, freundliches Netzwerk, das Studienalltag und Berufswelt verbindet.  

Deine Vorteile?  

  • Lerne andere motivierte Studentinnen aus verschiedensten Fachgebieten kennen!
  • Nimm an kostenlosen Workshops und Weiterbildungen teil!
  • Knüpfe erste Kontakte in die Berufswelt!
  • Tausche Dich mit Vertretern etablierter Unternehmen aus!
  • Werde Teil eines immer weiter wachsenden Netzwerkes!
  • Und vor allem: erfahre direkt von deiner persönlichen Mentorin oder deinem persönlichen Mentor, welche Erfahrungen sie oder er im Berufsalltag sammelt!

Interesse geweckt?  

Dann wirf‘ einen kurzen Blick auf unsere Website für weitere Informationen oder wende Dich bei Fragen an 

Eine Bewerbung ist unter diesem Link bis zum 16. Oktober 2023 möglich. 

Wir freuen uns auf Dich! 🤩

Dein mentorING-Team 


Cara Knott

Junior Project Manager

TUM International GmbH

Freddie-Mercury-Str. 5

(Munich Urban Colab)

80797 München I Germany

Phone: +49 (0)151 46348433

Company domicile: München
Registration court: Amtsgericht München I Registration number: HRB 173096
CEO: Friederike Hettinger


Dear female students of TUM, 

"I was surrounded by extraordinary women in my life who held their hand out and showed me the way. I am the product of other people's mentorship." (Michelle Obama) 

What does actually come after graduation? An early, relaxed insight into the professional world would actually be quite practical, wouldn't it? 

Then we might have just the right solution for you!

The mentorING program at TUM is an open, friendly network that connects everyday study life and the professional world.  

Your advantages?  

  • Get to know other motivated female students from various disciplines!
  • Take part in free workshops and further education!
  • Make first contacts in the professional world!
  • Exchange ideas with representatives of established companies!
  • Become part of an ever-growing network!
  • And above all: learn directly from your personal mentor what experiences he or she gains in everyday professional life!


Then take a quick look at our website for more information or contact if you have any questions.

An application is possible under this link until October 16, 2023. 

We are looking forward to meeting you! 🤩

Your mentorING team 


Cara Knott

Junior Project Manager

TUM International GmbH

Freddie-Mercury-Str. 5

(Munich Urban Colab)

80797 München I Germany

Phone: +49 (0)151 46348433

Company domicile: München
Registration court: Amtsgericht München I Registration number: HRB 173096
CEO: Friederike Hettinger

Prepare for the next TUMexchange applications round and join the info events: TUMexchange offers Bachelor's and Master's students of all disciplines the opportunity for a study-related stay abroad at selected partner universities in non-EU countries. Applications for stays abroad for both the summer and winter semesters are possible once a year: At the beginning of the winter semester, students apply directly to the TUM Global & Alumni Office in the first step. After successful nomination, the application is submitted to the desired partner university.

Your TUMexchange application – step by step

Study one week at a European partner university: The ATHENS Program offers students and doctoral candidates of TUM the opportunity to stay abroad at 24 partner universities in Europe (e.g. ParisTech, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Czech Technical University). Twice a year – in mid-March and mid-November – specialized courses take place at the same time at all ATHENS universities.

Apply now for short stays abroad via the ATHENS program

Complement your curriculum with an online course at CTU in Prague or Eindhoven University of Technology: Through a joint course catalogue, students of the EuroTeQ partners have the opportunity to attend courses at the partner universities. TUM students can in general take courses at DTU, TU/e, L'X, Technion, TalTech and CTU – and also at TUM itself.

Apply for the last spots available via the EuroTeQ Course Catalogue by September 14

Gain practical experience in administration worldwide: The Maximilian Graf Montgelas Fellowships provide employees of the university administration with the opportunity to spend time at TUM partner institutions around the world. In line with the TUM Agenda 2030, the aim is to further strengthen the internationalization of the TUM administration both in terms of personal competence gain and the further development of an internationally capable science administration.

Apply now for a Montgelas Fellowship

The TUM.Africa Talent Program is headed to the next round: The TUM.Africa Talent program - a joint TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS) and TUM Global & Alumni Office initiative - is designed as a research exchange program, bringing together talented and highly educated doctoral candidates from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with professors, Junior Fellows and doctoral candidates at TUM striving for common goals: scientific excellence, the promotion of knowledge and mutual understanding, access and contribution to (joint) scientific publications and the wish to have a positive societal impact.

Submit nominations for TUM.Africa Talent 2024 now

Invite professors from international partners for collaboration: The TUM Global Visiting Professor Program offers the opportunity to recruit excellent professors from international partner universities for temporary teaching and research collaborations, thus further promoting the internationalization of TUM. Applications for the program can be submitted at any time.

Apply now for the TUM Global Visiting Professor program

Grants for research cooperation with international partners: The TUM Global Incentive Fund supports the initiation and deepening of international relationships worldwide and in particular with selected partner universities, such as the three flagship partners Imperial College London, Tsinghua University, and The University of Queensland, as well as the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana, Aalto University in Finland, Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) in Italy and Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Brazil.

Apply for the TUM Global Incentive Fund by September 25

China Round Table in October

Successful cooperation under complex conditions: TUM G&A's Global Engagement team hosts a China Round Table on October 10 at 2 p.m., offering all TUM employees from science, science management, and administration the opportunity for information and exchange. Registration is required.

Learn more

Von: UAI Research Internships <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. August 2023 17:42
Betreff: University of Alberta's UARE 2024 Research Internship Projects (winter term) Open for Application

Dear Colleagues,

Hope this email finds you in good health and spirit!

My name is Luis and I am the International Internship Coordinator for Inbound programs at the University of Alberta.

I am reaching out today to let our UARE (University of Alberta Research Experience) partners know that we have uploaded 2024 UARE research projects (winter term) onto our system. Please help publicize these projects on your campus and ask interested students to apply. All projects will be funded in-person programs hosted by a University of Alberta professor. 

This is the How to Apply page, and from August 19 to September 12, 2023, students from partner institutions will be able to apply to projects. We look forward to receiving your students' application.

Please don't hesitate to email us if there are any questions with students' applications.

Thank you and have a great day.

Kind regards,


International Internship Programs (Inbound)

University of Alberta International

142 Telus Centre
87th Ave & 111 St
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2R1

The University of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people.

Update PRTG Network Monitor

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