Both study project and master's thesis are "open" topics that can be chosen according to your own specialisation or individual interests.

Admission and registration

There are no strict regulations on when to do the Study Project. However, completing the study programme in the minimum time of 4 semesters will require the completion of the project until the end of the 3rd semester. Please notice the guidelines for the Study Project

Students who have achieved a minimum of 75 credits are eligible to start their Master's Thesis. The registration for the thesis is done by the supervisor. The registration is done by the supervising chair.

How to find a study project or a thesis topic?

The topic of your Study Project and your Master’s Thesis must be related to your Fields of Study. Tis does not restrict you in the choice of supervising chair though. The supervising chair must however be on this list of approved examiners of the programme.

The first step is to identify the specific field you would like to complete your project/ thesis in. The specific filed is mostly represented by one chair (i.e. a professor) who is involved in the study programme. Once you know your general direction you can get information on available topics. Many chairs publish topics online or on blackboards or websites.

If you find an already available topic, then you can contact the person responsible (a professor or one of his assistants) directly.

If you have an idea of your own or would like to develop a topic by yourself, you can refer to one of a professor's assistants doing research in the field you are interested in. Own initiative is in most cases highly appreciated.

Where to start searching

The website of the chair in your thematic field of interest is always a good place to start looking for a topic. MOst chairs publish available topics on their websites.

Study Project or Master’s Thesis in cooperation with a company

You can write a master’s thesis in cooperation with an external institution, such as a company, a research institute, or a public administration. You need an academic supervisor who is eligible to supervise your thesis (list). The topic must be related to your Fields of Study and must get accepted and registered by your academic supervisor.

Not all possible topics offered by externals can be supervised. Sometimes they are thematically far away from the study programme – please keep the teaching and research portfolios of your potential supervisors in mind when choosing an external topic!

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