Hier finden Sie folgende Dokumente:

Here you can find the following documents:

Allgemeine Prüfungs- und Studienordnung - APSO

(Stand 29.04.2021)

TUM general examination and degree course regulations - APSO - EN

(as of April 29, 2021)

Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung - FPSO

FPSO, gültig für Studierende, die sich im oder nach Wintersemester 2024/2025 immatrikuliert haben

(Stand 03.06.2024)

FPSO, gültig für Studierende, die sich vor Wintersemester 2024/2025 immatrikuliert haben

(Stand 03.09.2021)

Academic and Examination Regulations - FPSO - EN

FPSO, applicable to students who started their studies in or after winter term 2024/2025

Please note: The academic and examination regulations (FPSO) is uploaded here in the previous version. Major difference in the latest version: Reduction of the required 9 credits to 8 credits in the Lab Course section (2x 4-credit courses required).

(as of February 06, 2024)

FPSO, applicable to students who started their studies before winter term 2024/2025 

(as of September 03, 2021)

Satzung über die Eignungsfeststellung

(Stand 03.06.2024)

Regulations for the Aptitude Assessment Procedure - EN

Please note: The regulation for the aptitude assessment procedure is currently only available in German. The English version will be published here in due time.

(as of June 03, 2024)


 Studiengangsdokumentation, gültig für Studierende, die sich im oder nach Wintersemester 2024/2025 immatrikuliert haben

(Stand 06.02.2024)

Studiengangsdokumentation, gültig für Studierende, die sich vor Wintersemester 2024/2025 immatrikuliert haben

(Stand 12.01.2021)

Program Documentation - EN

Program documentation, applicable to students who started their studies in or after winter term 2024/2025 

(as of February 06, 2024)

Program documentation, applicable to students who started their studies before winter term 2024/2025 

(as of January 12, 2021)


(Stand 16.10.2021)

Internship-guidelines - EN

(as of October 16, 2021)




Internship Certificate Forms - EN

Pre-Study Internship:

Professional Internship:

Richtlinien zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis an der TUM

Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice at TUM - EN

Stundenpläne SoSe 2024

Stundenplan für 2. Fachsemester:

Stundenplan für 4. Fachsemester:

Schedules SuSe 2024 - EN

Schedule for 2nd subject semester:

Schedule for 4th subject semester:

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