Instructors: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab, Anees Kazi, Roger Soberanis, Mahsa Ghorbani


  • 13.12.2021 - The recorded video of the first lecture has been added to the schedule.
  • 22.10.2021 - The schedule has been released.
  • 13.10.2021 - Let us know your four preferred papers by email by Sun. 17.10
  • 13.10.2021 - List of topics has been published. 
  • 12.10.2021 - The list of papers will be published on October 13th. Further details will be sent to the participants via email. 
  • 12.10.2021 - The classes will start on November 2nd, 12:00 pm - 2 pm CET. 
  • 15.07.2021 - Registrations are open from 15.07.2021 to 20.07.2021 through the TUM Matching Platform. Additionally, let us know your interest through our application form.
  • 12.07.2021 - The slides of the preliminary meeting are available here (slides).
  • 05.07.2021 - Course Wiki is up!
  • 05.07.2021 - Contact information. If you have any questions about the seminar, feel free to contact Roger Soberanis ( or Anees Kazi (


Graph Deep Learning is a new exotic branch in many fields like computer Vision and Medical Imaging. Many real-world medical and non-medical datasets can be represented in the form of graphs, providing a powerful source of information for machine learning models. This graph-based data, combined with the success of the convolutional neural networks, has motivated to translate the key ingredients of deep learning models into the graph domain. Many communities such as healthcare, social media, and computer vision are moving towards analyzing the data using Graph Convolutions. This seminar provides a space for discussion of the recent scientific publications on GCN with a focus on their medical applications and others.


  • Interested students should attend the introductory meeting on 07.07.2021 to enlist in the course. Details are available at TUM online. 
  • Students can only register through TUM Matching Platform themselves if the maximum number of participants hasn't been reached (please pay attention to the Deadlines).
  • A maximum number of participants: 20.

Requirements and Course Structure

For this course, previous background in Machine/Deep Learning is required. 

During the course, students will select and present a scientific publication from the given list. Additionally, students will also contribute to the course blog post with their own summary of the selected article. Requirements are described in the image below: 

List of Topics


Registration and reconstruction2GraphRegNet: Deep Graph Regularisation Networks on Sparse Keypoints for Dense Registration of 3D Lung CTsTMI 2021FaridNicolas Peter
Registration and reconstruction3Image-to-Graph Convolutional Network for Deformable Shape Reconstruction from a Single Projection Image.MICCAI 2021MahdiStella Dimitra
Registration and reconstruction4Pose2Mesh: Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Pose and Mesh Recovery from a 2D Human PoseECCV 2020LennartDominik
Interpretability6Should Graph Convolution Trust Neighbors? A Simple Causal Inference MethodSigir 2021AshkanArmin
Interpretability7Disentangled Graph Convolutional NetworksInternational Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2019AzadeAhmed Alaaeldin Fathy Hanafy
General8Multi-label zero-shot learning with graph convolutional networksNeural Networks 2020


Mohamed Taieb
General9Learning Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-Label Recognition and ApplicationsTPAMI 2021MahsaSimay
Medical - Brain10BrainGNN: Interpretable Brain Graph Neural Network for fMRI AnalysisMedIA 2021


Medical - Brain11Attention-Guided Deep Graph Neural Network for Longitudinal Alzheimer’s Disease AnalysisMICCAI 2020MathiasSergei
Medical - Brain12A mutual multi-scale triplet graph convolutional network for classification of brain disorders using functional or structural connectivityTMI 2021


Nicolas Robert Baptiste
Medical - Brain13Multi-Head GAGNN: A Multi-Head Guided Attention Graph Neural Network for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Holistic Brain Functional NetworksMICCAI 2021AneesErekle
Medical - Segmentation and Classification14SGNET: Structure-Aware Graph-Based Networks for Airway Semantic SegmentationMICCAI 2021RogerJanik
Medical - Segmentation and Classification15Hybrid graph convolutional neural networks for landmark-based anatomical segmentationMICCAI 2021TariqFarid
Medical - Segmentation and Classification16Early Detection of Liver Fibrosis Using Graph Convolutional NetworksMICCAI 2021MahsaSener


Sessions will take place Tuesdays from 12:00 to 14:00 hrs. A group of Two to Three students will present their papers during each session. 

The schedule will be released on 19.10. Sessions will start on 02.11 with introductory lectures by the organizers.

Place will be confirmed during the week of 25 of October.

DateTimePlaceTopicTutor (email)
StudentAdditional Info/ slides
2.11.2112:00 - 14:00
Intro to GDLMA I

Video Lecture
9.11.2112:00 - 14:00
Intro to GDLMA II


12:00 - 14:00

GraphRegNet: Deep Graph Regularisation Networks on Sparse Keypoints for Dense Registration of 3D Lung CTsFarid ( Peter
Image-to-Graph Convolutional Network for Deformable Shape Reconstruction from a Single Projection Image.Mahdi ( Dimitra
Pose2Mesh: Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Pose and Mesh Recovery from a 2D Human PoseLennart (


12:00 - 14:00

Project presentation by CAMP: Graph Deep Learning for Healthcare Applications.Dr. Anees Kazi


12:00 - 14:00

Should Graph Convolution Trust Neighbors? A Simple Causal Inference MethodAshkan ( )Armin
Disentangled Graph Convolutional NetworksAzade ( )Ahmed Alaaeldin Fathy Hanafy


12:00 - 14:00

Project presentation by CAMPDr. Hendrik Burwinkel


12:00 - 14:00

Multi-label zero-shot learning with graph convolutional networksAlaa / Anees ( Taieb
Learning Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-Label Recognition and ApplicationsMahsa (
BrainGNN: Interpretable Brain Graph Neural Network for fMRI AnalysisShahrooz (


12:00 - 14:00

Project presentation by CAMP


12:00 - 14:00

No Session


12:00 - 14:00

No Session


12:00 - 14:00

Attention-Guided Deep Graph Neural Network for Longitudinal Alzheimer’s Disease AnalysisMathias (
A mutual multi-scale triplet graph convolutional network for classification of brain disorders using functional or structural connectivityShahrooz (hahrooz.faghihroohi|[at]| Robert Baptiste
Multi-Head GAGNN: A Multi-Head Guided Attention Graph Neural Network for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Holistic Brain Functional NetworksAnees (


12:00 - 14:00

Project presentation by CAMP


12:00 - 14:00

SGNET: Structure-Aware Graph-Based Networks for Airway Semantic SegmentationRoger (
Hybrid graph convolutional neural networks for landmark-based anatomical segmentationTariq (
Early Detection of Liver Fibrosis Using Graph Convolutional NetworksMahsa (


12:00 - 14:00

Project presentation by CAMP

Resources and Material

An introductory lecture to GCNs by Prof. Xavier Bresson on Alfredo Canziani Youtube channel:

If you find more interesting material you would like to share in this section, feel free to contact us. 

  • Keine Stichwörter