Welche Daten, ich auf besuchten Webseiten preisgebe. Was im Hintergrund passiert, wenn ich durch den Facebook Feed scrolle. Was Facebook von mir speichert, auch wenn ich es gelöscht habe.

Nur ein Klick?

Welche Daten, ich auf besuchten Webseiten preisgebe.

Sites can also choose to monitor your inputs much more closely. To see some of this tracking in action, head to Click which will report your mouse movements, mouse clicks, and other browser actions back to you. Turn your sound on and you hear an psychological analysis - instantly - based on the browser you're using.

Data Selfie

Firefox/Chrome Add-On, if you want to know what’s happening behind the scenes when you scroll through your Facebook feed.

What Facebook knows about you

Download the Information that facebook keeps on you - though you have "deleted" it.

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