Target release (Version)0.94
ThemeEnd user interface
Document status


Document owner

Chair of Geoinformatics (TUM)
Aria Technologies

DevelopersChair of Geoinformatics (TUM)
SponsorEIT Climate-KIC
ProjectFlagship "Smart Sustainable Districts (SSD)"


Our goals are to provide a visualization tool which is:

  • User friendly
  • Interoperable
  • Transferable
  • extensible
  • Functional

Background and strategic fit

NUMDocks is thought of as a platform in which different applications can potentially be added and run independently. This means that a background interface carries out the essential elements and functionalities of the platform. On top of this platform, different applications can be developed and added. In the year 2016, two main themes were chosen and under each, several applications were introduced.

  • Background interface:
    • Background imagery (OpenStreetMap is used for this district. But there are several other options that users can choose from.)
    • 2D/3D Virtual District Model (3D/2D VDM)
  • Theme 1
    • Collaborative Map
    • Industrial Plume
  • Theme 2
    • Resource Consumption
    • Forum


  • The 3D Virtual District Model (VDM) used in this model is based on OGC standard CityGML. So, one assumption is that when the 3D CityGML of the district or city is ready, at least this tool including visualization of VDM, Collaborative Map and Forum application can easilly be transfered and implemented within coupl of hours (less than one day) to another district or City.


#User Story titleUser Story DescriptionPriorityNotes

Collaborative Map

To encourage citizens to use the information provided by other partners and stakeholders and to provide information and share it with other citizens, visitors and service providers.High 

Industrial Plume

To inform citizens about the air quality of their living area.High 

Resource Consumption

To show the different level of resource consumption in the district to its residents.HighDifferent level of resource consumption:
  • District level
  • Building level
  • Comparision between the lowest, highest and the chosen building
4Building ForumTo encourage the residents of each building to actively communicate to each other.Medium 

User interaction and design

The design of the tool and the way user has interaction with this tool is explained in this document. Please note the NUMDocks version described in this document is 0.93.


Below is a list of questions asked by the users and clients:

1) What do I need to have before start working with NUMDocks?The NUMDocks runs on any OS and any web browser and can be users by everyone. however, in order to experience the full functionalities of the tool it is required to have:
  1. Internet connection
  2. Internet web browser (preferably Google Chrom)
  3. Google account
2) Do I need any specific knowledge to work with NUMDocks?

This tool is designed in a way that anybody can work with, without requiring any specific knowledge. But, of course the user should be able to work with the internet web browser and have knowledge of what the tool will offer.

At the moment the tool is accompanied with a video to show how to work with the tool but in the near futur the tool will be facilitated by a set of in-line helps for each part and each functionality that the it offers.

System and requirements

  • any internet web browser (we suggest using Google Chrome for the best viewing experience)

Please contact the document owner in order to have access to the latest version of the tool.

Development team

  1. Son Nguyen
  2. Zhihang Yao
  3. Kanishk Chaturvedi
  4. Mandana Moshrefzadeh
  5. Under the supervision of: Thomas H. Kolbe