Dear colleagues,

Thank you for using this online form to nominate your student(s) for an exchange stay at TUM via the TUMexchange or School Program.

Please only nominate your student(s) within existing agreements and agreed exchange spaces between your university and TUM.

To nominate your student(s), you will be asked to select their “area of study at TUM". Please make sure that the existing bilateral agreement between your university and TUM includes student exchanges in the selected area of study. You can also look this up on our International Opportunities website: Select your country and institution and click ‘Search’. Under the tab ‘Relations’ / ‘Subject Area’, you can find a list of all TUM Schools / subject areas open for exchange. 

The final deadline for receiving your nomination(s) and your students' application documents for the winter term 2024/25 is May 15, 2024. (Please see dates, deadlines and application information in the column on the right.)

We look forward to your nominations!

Thank you very much and best regards,

Amanda Gesang


Incoming Exchange Nomination Form for TUM

With my permission, the filled in data will be collected, processed, and used by TUM for the purpose of administration of my exchange students' stays at TUM. The data will be deleted as soon as it is not needed anymore or stored for maximum 10 years.

I have been notified that my personal data and the personal data of my students will be collected, processed, and used in the context of the aforementioned objectives in accordance with the Bavarian Data Protection Act (BayDSG). The collection, processing, and use of my data take place on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, I can revoke my consent at any time without any adverse consequences. I will send my notice of cancellation to:

Technical University of Munich
TUM Global & Alumni Office
Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich

In the event of cancellation, the data will be deleted upon receipt of my notice. 

TUM Global & Alumni Office

Technical University of Munich

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

Amanda Gesang: 

Important Dates and Deadlines:

Winter term

Term: October 1 to March 31

Nomination and application period:

mid February to May 15 (final deadline is May 15)

Summer term

Term: April 1 to September 30

Nomination and application period:

September 15 to October 31 (final deadline is October 31)

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