About the course

Course offered by Prof. Nassir Navab
Team: Ardit Ramadani, Lennart Bastian and Tianyu Song (Contact the course tutors)
Type: Praktikum (IN2106, IN4136)
SWS: 6
ECTS: 10 Credits

Table of contents


Final presentations (as of 13.07.2022): Zoom link has been provided by email, as well as instructions on uploading the presentation's slides. The order of presentations is based on the Student ID as indicated in the schedule table below.

Intermediate presentations (as of 01.06.2021): Zoom link has been provided by email, as well as instructions on uploading the presentation slides. The order of presentations is based on the Student ID as indicated in the schedule table below. 

Requirements presentations (as of 07.05.2022): Zoom link has been provided by email, as well as instructions on uploading the presentation's slides. The order of presentations is based on the Student ID, so we will start from Student ID 01 until Student ID 20 in order. 

Project assignment (as of 29.04.2022): The project assignment has been complete. Please check the projects below to find out which project has been assigned to you. We have tried really hard to fulfill everyone's preferences and include as many supervisors as possible, we hope everyone is happy with the assigned project. You are advised to contact your supervisor as soon as possible to introduce yourself and appoint a meeting to kick-off the project. Good luck!


Number of students


1st choice assigned12 students60%
2nd choice assigned5 students25%
3rd choice assigned2 students10%
no submission1 student5%

Tab. Percentage of assigned projects based on student's preferences 

Project Number

Selected by

115 students
22 and 244 students
4, 19, 20 and 233 students

Tab. Top favorite projects (based on student's preferences)

Project announcements (as of 25.04.2022): Projects have been announced. Read through all project proposals and choose three favorite for which you write a short motivation and send it to all tutors by THURSDAY, 28.04.2022 at 23:59 Munich time. The form to apply can be found at "Downloads > Student project application template". We will assign projects once everyone has submitted their preferences, we will try use the combination that maximizes the number of first choices. Until now, only the students that have proposed their own project have been assigned on the table below (those projects are reserved to those students and cannot be chosen from the rest). Good luck!


Number of projects


Academia13 projects52%
Industry12 projects48%

Tab. Percentage of projects from academia and industry 

De-registration deadline (as of 09.03.2022): Friday, 15.04.2021, 23:59 Munich Time zone. All students who want to deregister the course without getting booked with a grade, please make sure to send the course tutors an email for deregistration before the deadline.

Updates due to CoViD-19: All lectures and student presentations, until any further notice, are scheduled to be held online through Zoom. Make sure to have Zoom installed and ready for the First session. The details for joining the lecture and presentation sessions, students will be informed through email in timely manner at least one day before the session. Please also follow course's web-site and TUMOnline for any further announcements.

Preliminary Meeting: The schedule for the preliminary meeting has been published. Please use the zoom details below to join. 


For lecture sessions, presentation sessions and changes in the schedule, please also refer to TUMOnline.
DateTimePlaceTopicConducted byMaterials
Thursday, 03.02.202215:00 - 16:00ZoomPreliminary meeting ("Vorbesprechung")Course tutors
Friday, 15.04.202123:59 CESTEmailDe-registration Deadline
To: All tutors
Monday, 25.04.202211:00 - 12:00 ZoomLecture 1: Introduction and Project AnnouncementCourse tutors
Tuesday, 26.04.202209:00 - 12:00Zoom

Lecture 2: Presentation Tips and Project Management

Lecture 3: UML

Course tutors
Thursday, 28.04.202223:59 CESTEmailDeadline to send project preferencesSeminar ParticipantsTo: All tutors
Monday, 09.05.202209:00 - 12:00ZoomRequirements PresentationsSeminar ParticipantsOrder of presentation from Student ID 01 to 20
Tuesday, 10.05.202210:00 - 12:00ZoomLecture 4: Documentation, Tests, Design Patterns & Integration StrategyCourse tutors
Monday, 13.06.202209:00 - 12:00ZoomIntermediate Presentations Part ISeminar ParticipantsOrder of presentation from Student ID 01 to 10
Tuesday, 14.06.202209:00 - 12:00ZoomIntermediate Presentations Part IISeminar ParticipantsOrder of presentation from Student ID 11 to 20
Monday, 18.07.202209:00 - 12:00ZoomFinal Presentations Part ISeminar ParticipantsOrder of presentation from Student ID 11 to 20
Tuesday, 19.07.202209:00 - 12:00ZoomFinal Presentations Part IISeminar ParticipantsOrder of presentation from Student ID 01 to 10

Available Projects

Projects will be announced in due time and presented during the Introductory meeting. Please communicate a selection of 3 choices, each with an explanation (ca. 5 sentences) for why you want to work on this project and how you meet the requirements specified in the project proposal. Use the Student Application Template provided in the Download section.

Medical Device Identity Management

Dr. Stephan Doerfler (Auguris)Deren

Pattern Recognition for the Identification of Medical Devices

Dr. Stephan Doerfler (Auguris)Dalia

Next Generation Data Entry for Data Driven Medicine

Nicolas Jakob (Avelios)Gerald

High-res MRI Compounding with Implicit Neural Representations

Mohammad Farid AzampourAbdullah

Carotid Artery Plaque Segmentation in US Images

Yuan Bi and Zhongliang JiangInis

Robotic Ultrasound Calibration

Yuan Bi and Zhongliang Jiang

A Real-Time 3D Viewer for Converted NeRFs

Dr. Benjamin Busam and Patrick RuhkampJingyao

Interactive Mobile 3D Acquisition & Calibration

Dr. Benjamin Busam and Patrick Ruhkamp

Eye Registration for Cataract CAS

Fernando Benito (Customsurgical)

Mobile Measurement Tool for Ophthalmology

Fernando Benito (Customsurgical)Ayman

Deep Learning-based Segmentation of Vertebrae in Magnetic Resonance Volumes

Francesca De BenettiOrgest

Implementation of a Graphical User Interface for Nuclear Medicine Therapy Dosimetry

Francesca De BenettiCarl Alexander

Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality Enhancement for Automated Probabilistic Tractography

Francesca De BenettiMarcos

Salivary Glands Segmentation from PET/CT Images for Dosimetry Applications in Nuclear Medicine

Francesca De BenettiNatalia

API Integration for VR Simulator

Shervin Dehghani

Breast Imaging Viewer

Mickael Tardy and Vanessa Gonzalez

CVAT for Medical Imaging

Mickael Tardy and Vanessa GonzalezPhilipp

Augmented Reality Planning and Navigation for Craniotomy

Vera Hug (Brainlab AG)Stella


Automated Noise Removal Feature for Mentalab Explore data stream

Dr. Sebastian Herberger (Mentalab)Fitri Nadira


Human-Machine Interfacing using Deep Learning Multimodal Biosignal Processing

Dr. Sebastian Herberger (Mentalab)Aytekin


ImFusion plugin for EM Catheter Tracking in Pre-operative MR/CT Images

Ardit Ramadani

Hydration Status Prediction through Automated Urine Colour Analysis

Eva Busam, Dr. Claudia Osterkamp-Baerens and Dr. Benjamin Busam (Topathleat)Skander

Automation of the ML Lifecycle of Medical Applications

Diogo Ferreira de Almeida and Moritz Jung (Virtonomy)Dilruba

Deep Learning Spine Segmentation

Diogo Ferreira de Almeida and André Mourato (Virtonomy)Alin

Web-based Heart Statistical Shape Model

Diogo Ferreira de Almeida and Gloria Zoernack (Virtonomy)Miroslav


2Fitri Nadira7Dilruba-12Skander17Dalia
3Inis8Abdullah13Deren18Carl Alexander
5Ghaith Allah-10Jingyao15Alin20Stella

Preliminary Meeting

Topic: PMSD SS22 - Preliminary meeting
Time: Feb 3, 2022 03:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Join Zoom Meeting

Prerequisites and Registration

This course requires basic knowledge of C++ or similar OO programming language. The concepts of OO programming and other concepts as conducted in the Introduction to Computer Science lecture are assumed.Registration through the TUM Matching System is mandatory. Your chances to be assigned to the course increase if you give the course a higher rank in your choices. If you already have a potential project, notify the course tutors via e-mail as soon as possible. This increases your chances to be assigned to the course, but you have to register through the matching system in any case. For further details about how the matching system works and its schedule please check the documentation.

Project Proposals

In this lab course, students work on clinical software projects and find solutions for problems in the field of medical applications. The student's workload should be around 10-14 hours per week for a period of 3 - 4 months on the assigned project (10 ECTS course).

Each project is expected to have one contact person (supervisor) who should be available for regular updates or if the student needs any help. In addition, the supervisors are kindly invited to participate in the student presentations (Requirements, Intermediate, Final) taking place at the CAMP chair. Each project supervisor will decide on 50% of the grade based on the student’s performance in the project. The other 50% will be decided upon by lecturers, based on the quality of project management and presentation skills of the student.The project proposal should give a short introduction into the context and describe the most important aspects and expected outcome of the project. Furthermore it should clearly state the required (and optional) skills (programming language, experience with certain libraries etc.).

If you have a suitable project, preferably with a clinical or industrial partner, you are kindly invited to fill out the project proposal template and send it to the course tutors. The deadline for proposal submission is beginning of the lecture period for the Summer Semester 2022.


* TUM Informatics Student Code of Conduct

* TUM Citation Guide

* CAMP presentation slides for PowerPoint:  CAMPmaster.ppt

* CAMP presentation slides for Latex

* Student project application template

* Supervisor project proposal template

Literature and Resources

  • Keine Stichwörter