Diploma-, Master-, Bachelor-Theses, Guided Reasearch, SEPs, IDPs and Term projects I (co)supervise(d)
About skills: Listed skills are good to have, but not all mandatory. If not already familiar, you will need to aquire them to some extend during your work though!
(external) DLR - Augmented Reality Interface Development for Intuitive Robot Programming
(external) Fortiss - (MT) Gesture Recognition on Neuromorphic Hardware
(external) WIWeB - Integration eines externen Trackingsystems in AR-Hardware
(external) WIWeB - Projektion von AR-Daten auf nichtebene Oberflächen
Martial Arts in Mixed Reality
Privacy & Security in Ubiquitous Mixed Reality
Ubi-Interact: Agents, Intents, Interactions & Digital Embodiment
Virtual (Re-)Embodiment - Approaches to Control Movement of Surrogate Body