
  • Rendering for VR and AR
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Three Dimensional User Interfaces
  • 3D Interaction Methods




  • WS 2019/20
    • Einführung in die Informatik für Games Engineering
    • Einführung in Audio für Games
    • Active Sports Game
  • SS 2019
    • 3D User Interfaces
  • WS 2018/19
    • Einführung in Audio für Games
    • Interaktionsmethoden und Geräte
  • SS 2018
    • 3D User Interfaces
    • Tanz und Schauspiel im virtuellen Studio
  • WS 2017/18
    • Seminar: Game Analysis

Open Student Projects and Research Questions


  •  Project: Cooperative Map for Executive Officers during Catastrophic Situations

    • no open Topics
  •  Project: Ubi-Vis - Ubiquitous Visualization Platform for Mixed Reality Applications

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    • User Interface - Design and evaluate concepts to enhance spatial awareness to guide users to information of interests
    • Continuous Integration - How to test and ensure functionality of XR apps and corresponding user interfaces
    • Performance Measuring - Ensure low frame timing for XR application is crucial for a suitable user experience
    • Adaptive scene management to fit environmental geometry
    • Collaborative and shared virtual environment with HoloLens2 and other participants
    • Enhancing 3D User Interfaces by a classification system for transitions and animations
  • Project: Augmented Cockpit
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  • Project: EduAR for Piano learning
    • No topics available
You can find more topics from our group here

Running and Finished Student Projects

Master-, Bachelor-Theses, Guided Research:

Es ist kein Inhalt mit den angegebenen Stichworten vorhanden

BA –  Daniel Schubert -- Development of a HoloLens? application to augment city skylines -- June 2017 - Oct 2017

MA – Theobald Bayer –  Story Guided Procedural Generation of Complex Connected Worlds and Levels for Role Play Game -- June 2017 - Dec 2017

BA – Tobias Holewa -- Creating a High-Level Network Library for Fast-Paced Multiplayer Games -- Mai 2017 - Sept 2017

Sven Liedtke

General Information

  • Phone: +49 89 289 17087

  • Additional roles: Studiengangskoordinator "Informatik: Games Engineering" (Bachelor)
  • Opening hours:
    • Appointments (via e-mail)

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