Classic and Agile Project Management Methods

Kategorie: Planen und Managen

Judith Bergner

Please check here for dates and times:

This course is useful for:

  • Employees with project responsibility
  • Employees who manage projects with several stakeholders, without formally being in a leadership role
  • Employees who want to react flexibly and "agilely" to changing project requirements
  • Employees who want to create a good team atmosphere during the project

What you can learn here:
After the workshop, the participants will be able to...

  • plan, structure and lead a project to its goal
  • manage stakeholders and define communication strategies
  • lead project meetings in a motivating way
  • assess risks and take preventive measures
  • monitor work packages and the dependencies between them
  • use appropriate tools
  • keep a good mood when things don't go according to plan.

Topics we will cover:

  • Exploring the project context, market and relevant business cases/ studies
  • Defining the project: "SMART" project goals
  • Clarifying the project mission
  • Managing stakeholders/creating user stories
  • Defining work packages and putting them in the right order
  • Creating the work breakdown structure
  • Planning resources: people, materials, equipment
  • Monitoring and controlling work package dependencies

Methods that will be used:

  • presentations and theoretical input
  • work on practical cases
  • work in small groups
  • simulation of some agile methods like SCRUM, Design Thinking, Kanban, Business Model Canvas

What you should prepare:

If possible, please bring a laptop with you. Questions and concerns from the participants' current project work are welcome.

Who can participate: Employees with project or leadership responsibility
Participation fee: 60 €
Venue: Karlstraße 45, 4. OG, 80333 Munich, or online via zoom
Working laguage: English