Troubleshooting the Access to ANSYS Academic Research/Teaching Licenses

ANSYS Academic Research licenses are paid licenses - usually from the LRZ Campus License for the ANSYS software - and are owned by individual professorships in limited quantities (as purchased on a yearly subscription basis). Before filing a service request about the not available ANSYs license at your department, please give it a thought whether it would be possible, that all licenses being owned by your department are currently in use by your colleagues?

ANSYS Academic Teaching licenses are provided in the Munich Scientific Network (MWN) free of charge for all employees, PhD students and students of TUM, LMU and HM. An active VPN network connection is required in order to access the ANSYS license server at LRZ. A user registration is not required in order to use the ANSYS Academic Teaching licenses, which are part of the ANSYS campus license hold by LRZ. Limitations apply to certain capabilities of the ANSYS software components, e.g. in terms of max. number of processor cores in parallel computations. Please mind the ANSYS licensing terms and conditions, which state, that ANSYS Academic Teaching licenses can be used for self-learning of the ANSYS software and for any kind of teaching activities (lectures, courses, seminars, related students workshops and tutorials). Furthermore the ANSYS licensing terms and conditions clearly state, that an ANSYS Academic RESEARCH license is required for Batchelor, Master and PhD Thesis work as well as for any other research related activities.

Getting Started

  1. Download the required ANSYS software packages from the provided LRZ download ressource for the ANSYS software.
  2. If prior to the installation of the full ANSYS software product the Free ANSYS Students Software Edition was installed on your computer, this software needs to be entirely removed from your computer before you start the new ANSYS software installation.
    Please make sure, that you remove the previously existing ANSYS installation directory alltogether with all contained subdirectories. In particular the subdirectory "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files" should be removed with all its remaining contents.
    Furthermore you should have a look, whether there are entries in the path "C:\Users\<$USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Ansys". If yes and if they are related to the usage of the Free ANSYS Students Software Edition, they should be removed as well.
  3. Install the ANSYS software. Do not install a local license server!
  4. If requested during the installation procedure, enter the name of the correct LRZ license server.
    For access to the ANSYS Academic Research Licenses:

         For access to the ANSYS Academic Teaching Licenses:


If you have difficulties in accessing the LRZ provided ANSYS license server and in checking out the required ANSYS Academic Research/Teaching License, please check the following:

  1. Your computer must be either located within the MWN network (e.g. by connecting your computer to a Munich university network by a network cable) or you must have an activ VPN connection to the MWN network. Only under these circumstances your computer can be identified as eligible to access the ANSYS Academic Teaching licenses from the LRZ pool of the ANSYS Campus license.
  2. Make sure, that the ANSYS software is allowed to use the required port numers 2325 und 1055 in the firewall settings of your local computer.
  3. Make a test, whether the required LRZ license server for the ANSYS software (Research vs. Teaching licenses) can be reached from your computer by entering the following command(s) either in a terminal or CMD window on your computer:

  4. Had you previously installed the Free ANSYS Students Software Edition on your computer? Had you removed all of its remains from your computer prior to installing the full ANSYS software product?
    If not, please uninstall the ANSYS product again, remove all traces of the ANSYS software from your computer and start over with the software installation from scratch.

Submitting an LRZ Service Request

If all the above requirements are fulfilled and you nevertheless cannot yet access the ANSYS Academic Research / Teaching licenses, please file a LRZ Service Request.

Please provide the following information in this service request:

  1. Usually not worse mentioning in a professional environment:
    Please provide full information about your affiliation, your professorship or institute, your current status as a university employee or student.
  2. Please categorize the LRZ Service Request in the subject as "ANSYS : Issue in accessing the ANSYS Research / Teaching License"
  3. It is not a "Störung", it is a normal users "Service Request".
  4. If possible, please provide a phone number and information about time slots, when you can be reached by phone in front of your computer, where the issue occured.
  5. Please include the following information in your message to the LRZ staff:
    1. What is the name of your computer, where you intend to install the ANSYS software?
      → You can find out the hostname by entering in a terminal of CMD window the command "hostname".
    2. What is your User-ID under which you intend to install the ANSYS software?
      → You can find out the hostname by entering in a terminal of CMD window the command "whoami".
    3. What was the exact as possible date and time when you tried to access the ANSYS Academic Research / Teaching license from the LRZ hosted license server(s) or
    4. Where is your computer located - in the MWN network or in a private (DSL) network?
      If your computer is located in a private (DSL) network, were you logged into the MWN network by an active VPN connection during your attempts to access the ANSYS license server at LRZ?
    5. What was the result of the above mentioned ping test?