DSS How to restore files from backup

This article describes how you can restore files from a container backup.


If you created a DSS container with data protection policy of BACKUP_DAILY, BACKUP_WEEKLY, ARCHIVE_DAILY or ARCHIVE_WEEKLY, your container data will be automatically backed up into the LRZ Backup- and Archive system at a regular basis. We are currently working on a self-service solution that allows data curators to restore backed up files on their own. However as this is still work in progress, currently if you need to restore something from container backup, you have to open a Service Request on the LRZ Servicedesk (Datenhaltung → Data Science Storage). If you already know the files and directories to restore, please specify them in the Service Request. If you don't know the files to restore exactly and need to browse the backups, we'll arrange a Remote Console Session where we will check and restore the files together.