
In order to keep pace with Moore's law, modern computing architectures are steadily growing in complexity. As a consequence, an increasing responsibility is imposed on developers and users of HPC applications: only exposing a high degree of parallelism one can exploit the available features offered by the hardware.

The goal of the Astro and Plasma Physics Application Lab (AstroLab) is to support to basic research in the fields to use at best the HPC resources of LRZ. The Astro-Lab collaborates directly with domain scientist using LRZ facilities, as well as HPC vendors and providers in order to explore the latest hardware and software solutions and to leverage on the sharpest technical expertise.

Astro-Lab members provide support for the most diffuse simulation codes, directly mentor GCS and PRACE projects on the LRZ machines, and engage in high-level projects of code modernization from node-level to full machine scale.

Code Modernization Projects

Research and Development Projects

Partnerships and Collaborations

For astro HPC users


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